Each semester, classes are cancelled for a few days, and the campus comes together to worship and hear speakers from around the world address a certain theme. The two primary conferences at Biola are Torrey Memorial Bible Conference and Missions Conference.
Torrey Bible Conference
This three-day conference is named after Biola's first dean, Reuben Archer Torrey, a well-known evangelist who saw thousands come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Sessions are taught by some of Biola's outstanding faculty, as well as godly men and women students wouldn't normally hear in chapel, such as Alistair Begg, Jill Briscoe, Josh McDowell, Lorie Salierno, Elizabeth Elliot, Francis Chan and Bryan Loritts.
Worship sessions have likewise been led by special artists from outside the Biola community, including Fernando Ortega, Richard Allen Farmer and Render.
Missions Conference
This three-day conference is entirely student-run and takes place in the spring. The purpose is to focus on Christ and gain a better understanding of God's heart for the nations.
Along with special sessions and chapels, the conference offers ethnic meals, cultural awareness field trips, on-campus cultural experiences and interaction with missionaries.