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Sexual Misconduct Policy - Title IX

I. Introduction

Policy Statement

Biola University (“Biola” or “University”) is committed to maintaining a university environment consistent with its Christian beliefs that all people are created in the image of God and should be treated with dignity and respect. As such, Biola should be a place for spiritual growth, work, and study, free of all forms of prohibited discrimination and harassment, including Sexual Misconduct. This Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy (“Policy”) describes that commitment by laying out the steps it will take to end Sexual Misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. It also outlines the steps for recourse for those individuals whose rights may have been violated and the procedures for determining a violation of this Policy so that there is a prompt and equitable resolution of all complaints of Sexual Misconduct.

Scope of the Policy

The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other laws, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), which protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Biola complies with Title IX and applicable regulations except when doing so conflicts with its religious beliefs or policies based on those beliefs (see below).

This Policy applies to the following forms of sexual harassment which are defined by Title IX and interpreted by the Department of Education (DOE) under its 2020 regulations to be a type of “discrimination based on sex:” Sexual Harassment, Sexual Harassment (quid pro quo), Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking. This Policy also applies to Sexual Exploitation. These forms of sexual harassment are collectively referred to in this Policy as Sexual Misconduct and are explained more fully in the Definitions and Prohibited Conduct sections below. For the University’s policy against other forms of discrimination, please see Discrimination and Harassment. Allegations of misconduct based on grounds other than Sexual Misconduct should be pursued under the grievance and appeal procedures contained in the appropriate student handbook or employee handbook.

Title IX regulations define “education program or activity” as including locations, events, or circumstances over which the educational institution exercised substantial control over both the person accused of sexual harassment and the context in which the sexual harassment occurs, whether on campus or off as long as the misconduct occurred against an individual within the United States. All University community members as well as volunteers, vendors, independent contractors and visitors are required to follow University policies and applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Sanctions or consequences of a finding of Sexual Misconduct under this Policy may be governed by another University Policy depending on the role of the person who violated this Policy.

The DOE released new 2024 regulations interpreting Title IX and providing guidance for addressing sexual harassment but an injunction has been issued appellate courts and affirmed by the Supreme Court which prohibit certain schools, including Biola, from implementing those regulations.

Applicable Laws and Exemptions

In addition to Title IX, sex discrimination in employment is also prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and other state laws.

Another important law related to this Policy is the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Safety Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC §1092(f)) (“Clery Act”) which requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses in an Annual Security Report. This includes amendments to the Clery Act under the Campus SaVE Act and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which deal with incidents of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking.

While Biola prohibits all forms of discrimination/harassment based on sex as defined in this Policy when one person(s) subjects another person(s) to the types of conduct prohibited under this Policy, Biola has the legal right to and does maintain policies that govern student and employee conduct, and conditions of employment, consistent with its religious tenets. As such, to the extent these tenets conflict with provisions of certain state and federal anti-discrimination laws, including but not limited to Title VII, Title IX and California’s anti-discrimination laws, they are either not applicable to Biola or Biola is exempt from such laws and maintains certain legal protections against the enforcement of those laws against it. Nothing herein is intended, nor should it be construed to constitute a waiver of those exemptions or legal defenses, or of Biola’s right to make and enforce policies in furtherance of its religious beliefs.

For these reasons, the University maintains the right, with regard to admissions, enrollment, its curricular and co-curricular programs, housing, employment, and other matters, to uphold and apply its religious beliefs and policies related to, among other issues, marriage, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and sexual activity. For example, while some portions of this Policy prohibit harassment that arises in the course of intimate or sexual activities outside of marriage between a man and a woman, such prohibitions should not be seen as condoning those sexual activities. (See the University's Sexual Relationships Policy). At the same time, an individual’s engagement in intimate or sexual activities outside of marriage does not excuse Sexual Misconduct carried out against that individual. The University is committed to protecting the members of its community against Sexual Misconduct, regardless of the context in which it arises.

Title IX Coordinator and Title IX Team

The Title IX Coordinator is the designated staff member of the University with primary responsibility for coordinating the University’s Title IX compliance efforts, including the University’s efforts to end Sexual Misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.

The University has also established a Title IX Team. The team consists of properly trained designated staff and faculty member(s) from various campus constituencies who have a shared responsibility for consulting with and supporting the Title IX Coordinator and may serve as the Title IX Coordinator’s designee related to various matters. Members of the team may also be called upon to investigate or adjudicate complaints of Sexual Misconduct, serve as hearing officers or appellate officers, and/or facilitate informal resolutions of conflicts or complaints. For the University's Title IX Team training, please see


II. Definitions

The following terms, as used in this Policy, are defined as follows:

Advisor: Advisor refers to a person chosen by a party or appointed by the University to accompany a party to meetings related to the resolution process, to advise the party on that process, and to conduct cross-examination for a party when required at a hearing. 

Coercion: Coercion is conduct or intimidation that would compel an individual to do something against his or her will by the use of unreasonable psychological pressure, physical force, or threats of severely damaging consequences that would reasonably place an individual in fear of immediate or future harm. Coercion is more than an effort to persuade or attract another person to engage in sexual activity. Coercive behavior differs from seductive behavior based on the degree and type of pressure someone uses to obtain consent from another. For example, simply asking someone repeatedly to have sex generally is not considered coercion but seduction. However, if threats were made alongside the repeated requests, it may be considered coercion. If someone is coerced into engaging in sexual activity, there cannot be affirmative consent.

Complainant: Complainant means any individual who has reported being, or is alleged to be, the victim of Sexual Misconduct under this Policy. In cases where a Formal Complaint (described below) is filed, at the time of filing the Formal Complaint, a Complainant must be participating in or attempting to participate in an education program or activity of the University.

Consent: Consent means affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. Several of the types of Prohibited Conduct described in section III. below are prohibited when one of the parties involved does not obtain the consent of the other. This definition of Consent, therefore, is used in those cases where the lack of consent must be proved in order to determine if there has been a violation of this Policy.

It is the responsibility of each person involved in the sexual activity to ensure that he or she has the affirmative consent of the other or others to engage in sexual activity. Lack of protest or resistance does not mean Consent, nor does silence mean Consent. Affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout sexual activity and can be revoked at any time. The existence of a dating relationship between the persons involved, or the fact of past sexual relations between them, should never, by itself, be assumed to be an indicator of Consent. In cases of prior relationships, however, the manner and nature of prior communications between the parties and the context of the relationship may be factors in determining whether there was Consent.

In evaluating whether Consent has been freely sought and given, the University will consider whether the Complainant had the capacity to give Consent and whether the communication (through words and/or actions) between the parties would be interpreted by a reasonable person (under similar circumstances and with similar identities) as a willingness to engage in a particular sexual act.

The following, while not an exhaustive list, are important factors to consider when determining if Consent was obtained:

  • Whether the Respondent took reasonable steps, in the circumstances known to the Respondent at the time, to ascertain whether the Complainant affirmatively consented.
  • An individual cannot provide consent to engage in sexual activity when the individual: 1) is a minor (age 17 or under); 2) has a mental disorder or developmental or physical disability that renders her or him incapable of giving knowing consent; 3) is asleep or unconscious; or 4) is incapacitated from alcohol or other drugs, and this condition was known, or reasonably should have been known or recognized by the Respondent (see Incapacitation below).
  • Whether an individual actively and willingly participated in conduct.
  • Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply Consent to other forms of sexual activity.
  • Consent can be withdrawn at any time. When Consent is withdrawn, the sexual activity for which Consent was initially provided must stop.
  • Consent cannot be procured, expressly or implicitly, by use of force, intimidation, threats or coercion or by overcoming the physical limitations of another person.

    Formal Complaint: Formal complaint means a document – including an electronic submission - filed by a Complainant with a signature or other indication that the Complainant is the person filing the Formal Complaint, or signed by the Title IX Coordinator, alleging Sexual Misconduct against a Respondent about conduct within the University’s education program or activity and requesting initiation of the procedures consistent with the resolution process outlined in this Policy.

    Incapacitation: Incapacitation is the physical and/or mental inability, temporarily or permanently, to understand the fact, nature, or extent of the sexual situation. Incapacitation may result from mental or physical disability, sleep, unconsciousness, involuntary physical restraint, or from the influence of drugs or alcohol. In addition, an individual is incapacitated if they demonstrate that they are unaware at the time of the incident of where they are, how they got there, or why or how they became engaged in a sexual interaction.

    When alcohol or drugs are involved, Incapacitation is a state beyond drunkenness, intoxication, or impairment. Alcohol and other drugs impact each individual differently, and determining whether an individual is incapacitated requires an individualized determination.

    Some of the factors used to determine Incapacitation include:

    • Stumbling or otherwise exhibited loss of equilibrium
    • Bloodshot, glassy or unfocused eyes
    • Slurred speech or word confusion
    • Vomiting, especially repeatedly
    • Outrageous or unusual behavior
    • Being disoriented, or confused as to time, place, etc.
    • Loss of consciousness

    None of these factors, except for the last, may constitute, in and of itself, Incapacitation. Nonetheless, the process of finding someone responsible for a violation of the Policy related to Incapacity involves careful examination of all evidence, amounting to a sufficient or insufficient meeting of the preponderance of the evidence standard. This standard may be met with some combination of factors.

    Some counter-indicators of Incapacity may include:

    • Stops to do things to prepare for sexual activity
    • Stops to use or request birth control
    • Brushes teeth after vomiting
    • Goes to restroom
    • Carefully removes clothes
    • Carries on relatively normal conversations
    • Motor abilities are not impaired

    The use of alcohol or other drugs can lower inhibitions and create an atmosphere of confusion about whether consent is effectively sought and freely given. If there is any doubt as to the level or extent of one's own or the other individual's intoxication or incapacitation, the safest course of action is to forgo or cease any sexual contact. A Respondent's voluntary intoxication is never an excuse for, or a defense to, prohibited conduct, and it does not diminish the responsibility to determine that the other person has given Consent.

    In evaluating Consent in cases of reported incapacitation due to alcohol or other drugs, the University considers all of the above factors in determining two issues: 1) Is there a preponderance of evidence that the Complainant was incapacitated; and 2) Did the Respondent know that the Complainant was incapacitated and, if not, should a sober, reasonable person in a similar set of circumstances as the Respondent have known that the Complainant was incapacitated? If the answer to both of these questions is "yes," there was no Consent.

    Parties: The Parties are the Complainant (or the University if it takes its own action in the absence of the alleged victim’s willingness to do so) and the Respondent, collectively.

    Preponderance of the Evidence: The preponderance of the evidence standard is the standard used by University-appointed adjudicators to determine the outcome of a Complaint. The preponderance of the evidence standard is met if it is more likely than not that the Respondent violated this Policy.

    Respondent: The Respondent is a person against whom an allegation of Sexual Misconduct under this Policy has been made.

    Sexual Misconduct: Sexual Misconduct as used in this Policy means the following forms of Title IX sexual harassment: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Harassment (quid pro quo), Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking. It also includes Sexual Exploitation. Each of these types of misconduct are defined in Section III. Prohibited Conduct. Sexual Misconduct can be committed by men or women, and it can occur between people of the same or different sex.

    Student: Student refers to a University student, including a student who has been admitted to the University but who has not yet begun classes; any matriculated undergraduate or graduate student who is enrolled in classes or who may not be presently enrolled but is eligible for re-enrollment; is on an approved leave; is currently serving a suspension, expulsion, or interim restriction; or is awaiting a degree. This Policy applies even if the student withdraws from school while a disciplinary matter is pending (although the University’s ability to impose sanctions/consequences may be limited in that case).

    Witness: Witness refers to an individual who may have information relevant to a report of Sexual Misconduct. A Witness may be a student, an employee, or a third party. The University will determine the relevancy of the information the alleged witness may be asked to offer.


    III. Prohibited Conduct

    The following types of conduct are forms of sexual harassment that are prohibited under this Policy and will be handled in accordance with the procedures in this Policy.

    Sexual Assault: Biola prohibits sexual assault as defined by the Clery Act which is an offense that meets the definition of rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape as used in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program. Per the National Incident-Based Reporting System User Manual from the FBI UCR Program, a sex offense is “any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.”

    • Rape is defined as the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the Consent of the victim. Note: This definition can include forced or coerced oral sex.
    • Fondling is defined as the touching of the private parts of another person for the purposes of sexual gratification, without the Consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving Consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
    • Incest is defined as sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
    • Statutory Rape is defined as sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.

    Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would determine is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensively that it effectively denies a person equal access to the University’s education program or activity.

    Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, offensive comments or other conduct based on sex, sexually motivated physical contact, or other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature. This definition will be interpreted and applied in a manner consistent with the accepted standards of mature behavior, academic freedom, and the mission of the University.

    Examples of sexual harassment may, depending on the circumstances, include, but are not limited to:

    • A student repeatedly contacts another student to go out on a date after the student has made it clear that he or she is not interested. (This is an example of hostile environment harassment)
    • A student is called a “dyke” or “fag” or some other derogatory name by a classmate, who also makes sexually explicit remarks.
    • A male staff assistant in a science lab repeatedly makes disparaging comments about women not being suited for science such as “science is a man’s field.”
    • A student worker tells his supervisor that he is not comfortable with her massaging his shoulders, but she continues to do so and also makes comments about how she finds him attractive.

      Sexual Harassment (Quid Pro Quo): Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment occurs when someone in a position of authority over another conditions educational or employment benefits on participation in unwelcome sexual conduct.

      Domestic Violence: Felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of California, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person's acts under the domestic or family violence laws of California.

      Dating Violence: Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting party’s statement with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. Violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse. Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of Domestic Violence.

      Stalking: The term “stalking” means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to: 1) fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or 2) suffer substantial emotional distress. For the purpose of this definition: 1) “course of conduct” means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property; 2) “reasonable person” means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim; 3) “substantial emotional distress” means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.

      Examples of Stalking behavior are:

      • Repeated, unwanted and intrusive communications by phone, mail, text message, email and/or other electronic communications, including social media;
      • Repeatedly leaving or sending the victim unwanted items, presents or flowers;
      • Following or lying in wait for the victim at places such as the victim’s home, school, work or recreational facilities;
      • Making direct or indirect threats to harm the victim or the victim’s children, relatives, friends or pets;
      • Damaging or threatening to damage the victim’s property; or
      • Repeated posting of information or spreading rumors about the victim on the internet, in a public place, or by word of mouth that would cause a person to feel threatened or intimidated.

      Sexual Exploitation: Sexual exploitation, while a form of Sexual Harassment, due to its nature and potential harmful effects, the University has decided to list it separately here. It occurs when a person takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for anyone’s advantage or benefit other than the person being exploited. Examples of sexual exploitation include, but are not limited to:

      • Invasion of sexual privacy;
      • Prostituting another person;
      • Non-consensual taking of photographs/images, video recording, and/or audio recording of a sexual activity;
      • Non-consensual distribution of photographs/images, video recording, audio recording, or live-streaming of a sexual activity;
      • Intentional removal or attempted removal of clothing that exposes an individual’s bra, underwear or an intimate body part or is otherwise sexual in nature without consent;
      • Allowing third parties to observe sexual activities or view another’s intimate body parts, in a place where that person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy, without consent;
      • Engaging in non-consensual voyeurism;
      • Knowingly transmitting a sexually transmitted disease or sexually transmitted infection to another person;
      • Exposing one’s intimate body parts in non-consensual circumstances;
      • Inducing another to expose his/her intimate body parts in non-consensual circumstances; or
      • Possessing, distributing, viewing, or forcing others to view pornography.

      Bad Faith Complaint of Sexual Misconduct: Knowingly reporting a false allegation of Sexual Misconduct, including one made as a counter-complaint, is prohibited. The fact that there has been a University determination that there was no Sexual Misconduct does not, by itself, mean that the complaint was made in bad faith.

      Retaliation: Retaliation includes any form of intimidation, threats, coercion, reprisal, or harassment. Retaliatory actions may include, but are not limited to: acts or comments that are intended to discourage a person from engaging in activity protected under this Policy or that would discourage a reasonable person from engaging in activity protected under this Policy; violation of a No Contact Order; acts or comments intended to embarrass an individual; seeking to influence the participation or statements of Parties or witnesses or taking adverse action against them; adverse changes in employment status or opportunities; adverse academic action; and adverse changes to academic, educational and extra-curricular opportunities. Retaliation may be in person, through social media, email, text, or other forms of communication, and it may be committed by parties to the complaint resolution procedure, their friends or representatives, or any other person. Retaliation may be present against a person even when the person’s allegations of prohibited conduct are not substantiated.

      Note: The Title IX Coordinator (which, for purposes of this Policy, includes a designee of the Title IX Coordinator), with the assistance of member(s) of the Title IX team where appropriate, will investigate claims of Bad Faith Complaint of Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation. After notice to the parties involved and an opportunity to address in writing or in person (at the sole discretion of the Title IX Coordinator) the facts supporting or in opposition to the allegations, The Title IX Coordinator or designee will make an administrative decision as to whether there has been a violation of these forms of Prohibited Conduct. Therefore, the process outlined below for resolving or adjudicating Sexual Misconduct is not applicable to determining whether Bad Faith Complaint of Sexual Misconduct or Retaliation under this Policy have occurred and, if so, any appropriate sanctions.


      IV. Assistance Following Sexual Misconduct

      The University will seek to support any person adversely impacted by Sexual Misconduct, regardless of whether a victim elects to pursue a criminal complaint or whether the offense is alleged to have occurred in connection with the University’s campus, programs or activities and/or constituents.

      Both the University and the community provide a variety of resources to assist and support individuals who have experienced Sexual Misconduct or are affected by allegations of Sexual Misconduct. These resources, both immediate and ongoing, are available to all persons irrespective of their decision to report the incident to the University or to law enforcement.

      Resources and Guidance for Victims if a Crime of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault or Stalking Occurs

      If you have been a victim of these crimes, you should:

      • Get to a safe place.
      • Call 911 if in immediate danger, if you are injured, or if the community is in possible danger.
      • If on Biola’s La Mirada campus, call Biola’s Emergency Line at (562) 777-4000 instead of 911. Biola’s dispatch will call 911, which will facilitate emergency services to the needed location more quickly than calling 911 directly.
      • If on Biola’s New York campus, call 911 directly.
      • Consider seeking immediate professional support on or off campus to assist you in the crisis.
      • In cases of sexual assault, for your safety and well-being, immediate medical attention is encouraged to evaluate for physical injury and sexually transmitted diseases. Further, being examined as soon as possible, ideally within 72 hours, is important for evidence collection, which may be used to support prosecution should you decide immediately or later to pursue criminal charges. To preserve evidence, it is best that you do not bathe, shower, douche, or change clothes before that exam. Even if you have already bathed, you are still encouraged to have prompt medical care. Additionally, you are encouraged to gather bedding, linens, or unlaundered clothing and any other pertinent articles that may be used for evidence.
      • Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Dating Violence are encouraged to also preserve evidence by saving text messages, instant messages, social networking pages, other communications, and keeping pictures, logs or other copies of documents, if they have any, that would be useful to University adjudicators/investigators or police.
      • Talk to a counselor. Even after the immediate crisis has passed, contact confidential on-campus and/or off-campus resources for emotional support, information, and/or advocacy.
      • Report the conduct to the Title IX Coordinator or the Campus Safety Response Team, so that the University can advise you of your options and take appropriate action. Below are those persons you can contact as well as other resources that may be needed:

      Title IX Coordinator:

      Sandy Hough
      Student Development Building (across from Chase Gym)
      13800 Biola Ave.
      La Mirada, CA 90639
      Telephone: (562) 944-0351, Ext. 5807

      Campus Safety Response Team:
      Campus Safety Office (between the Student Health Center and west side of the Cafeteria)
      13800 Biola Ave.
      La Mirada, CA 90639
      Telephone: (562) 777-4000

      On-Campus Resources and Support:

      • Biola Counseling Center: 562-903-4800
      • Biola Student Health Center: 562-903-4841

      Off-Campus Places to Report Sexual Misconduct:

      • 911 (for emergencies)
      • La Mirada Sheriff’s Department
        13716 La Mirada Blvd.
        La Mirada, CA 90638
        Telephone: (562) 902-2960
      • Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
        Hall of Justice
        211 W. Temple St.
        Los Angeles, CA 90012
        Telephone: (213) 229-1700

      Off-Campus Confidential Resources and Support:

      • Clergy (e.g., pastoral staff)
      • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE or via their live chat service.
      • Sexual Assault Crisis 24-Hour Hotline: (714) 957-2737

      A person experiencing Sexual Misconduct may need a variety of resources. Upon receipt of a report of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking, Biola will provide written notification to students and employees about existing assistance with and/or information about obtaining resources and services including counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance, student financial aid and assistance in notifying appropriate local law enforcement. The resources provided by the University are:

      ON CAMPUS Type of Services Available Service Provider Contact Information
      Counseling Counseling services Biola Counseling Center (562) 903-4800
      Health Basic medical services Biola Student Health Center (562) 903-4841
      Mental Health Psychiatric services Biola Student Health Center (562) 903-4841
      Visa and Immigration Assistance Visa and Immigration assistance Registrar’s Office (562) 777-4007
      Student Financial Aid Assistance with student finances Financial Aid Department (562) 903-4742
      Law Enforcement Assistance Assistance in notifying law enforcement Campus Safety (562) 903-6000

      Some off-campus resources available are as follows:

      OFF CAMPUS Type of Services Available Service Provider Contact Information
      Counseling Counseling services Contact the Biola Counseling Center for a referral (562) 903-4800
      Health Forensic examination and medical services PIH Health Hospital  (562) 698-0811
      Mental Health Mental health services PIH Health Hospital  (562) 698-0811
      Survivor Advocacy Survivor assistance Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) (800) 656-4673
      Visa and Immigration Assistance Visa and Immigration assistance USCIS Immigration Service Center (800) 375-5283
      LegalLegal assistanceCommunity Legal Aid SoCal

      (800) 834-5001

      Other resources available to victims of Sexual Misconduct: – Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network – Department of Justice – Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights - Waymakers Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline 24-hour: 714-957-2737 - YWCA Greater Los Angeles 24-hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 877-943-5778

      Local hospitals that have a SART (Sexual Assault Response Team):

      PIH Health Hospital, 
12401 Washington Blvd.
 Whittier, CA 90602
, (562) 698-0811

      Accommodations and Protective Measures Available for Victims

      Upon receipt of a report of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault or Stalking, Biola University will provide written notification to students and employees about accommodations available to them, including academic, housing, transportation, and working situations, and well as any protective measures needed. The written notification will include information regarding the accommodation options, available assistance in requesting accommodations, and how to request accommodations and supportive measures (i.e., the notification will include the name and contact information for the individual or office that should be contacted to request the accommodations).

      At the victim’s request, and to the extent of the victim’s cooperation and consent, University department personnel will work cooperatively to assist the victim in obtaining accommodations. If reasonably available, a victim may be offered changes to academic, housing, working or transportation situations regardless of whether the victim chooses to report the crime to campus police or local law enforcement. Examples of options for a potential change to the academic situation may be to transfer to a different section of a class, distance learning through the Accessibility Office if reasonably feasible, withdraw from and take a class at another time if there is no option for moving to a different section, etc. Potential changes to housing situations may include moving to a different room or residence hall. Possible changes to work situations may include changing working hours, changing assigned work location, etc. Possible changes in transportation may include assisting the student or employee with a safety escort, etc.

      To request changes to academic, housing, transportation and/or working situations or protective measures, or to receive assistance in requesting these accommodations a victim should contact Sandy Hough, Title IX Coordinator, 562.944.0351, x5807 or email at

      Restraining Orders, Criminal No-Contact Orders, and University No-Contact Directives

      Individuals who would like to avoid contact with another individual as a result of alleged Sexual Misconduct have several options available to them, including seeking a restraining order (also called a “protective order”) from a civil court, a criminal no-contact order from a criminal court, or requesting a no-contact directive from the University.

      A no-contact directive is a University-issued directive that prohibits one or both parties from communication or contact with another. In appropriate circumstances, the University may issue an institutional no-contact directive on its own or at the request of the Complainant or the Respondent. To request a no-contact directive from the University, individuals should, if urgent, contact Campus Safety at (562) 777-4000. You may also contact the Title IX Coordinator at (562) 944-0351, Ext. 5807 or email at Campus Safety, in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator or designee will determine whether a no-contact order should be issued in a given situation and the parameters of the order.

      If the University receives a report that an institutional no-contact directive has been violated, the University may initiate disciplinary proceedings against the person who allegedly violated the no-contact directive and will impose sanctions if the person is found responsible for violating the directive. The processes described below are not applicable to the determination of whether there has been a violation of a no-contact order, nor the sanctions/consequences for violating the order.


      V. Reporting Sexual Misconduct

      The University encourages all individuals to report incidents of suspected Sexual Misconduct, including but not limited to Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, or Stalking, whether they are Complainants or Witnesses. Individuals who believe they have been subjected to Sexual Misconduct have several reporting options. At the University, individuals can report anonymously, can file a confidential report or institute a Formal Complaint. Resources outside the University are available to survivors of this conduct to file a criminal charge with local law enforcement or file civil litigation against the Respondent.

      Under California law, the University is required to immediately, or as soon as practicably possible, disclose to local law enforcement any report of Sexual Assault, whether committed on or off campus. If the individual communicates to the University that they would like their identity withheld, the University will not disclose the individual's or the alleged Respondent's identity in its report to law enforcement.

        Privacy and Confidentiality

        1. Privacy
        The University encourages individuals who believe they have experienced Sexual Misconduct to talk to someone about what happened. The University will make every reasonable effort to preserve an individual’s privacy and protect the confidentiality of information provided. The degree to which confidentiality can be protected, however, depends upon the professional role of the person being consulted and the circumstances surrounding the alleged misconduct. Different people on campus have different reporting responsibilities and different abilities to maintain privacy or confidentiality.

        The University will protect the privacy of the individuals involved in a report of Sexual Misconduct or in the process covered by this Policy (e.g., Complainant, Respondent, Witness), by only sharing information with other University employees or persons involved in the alleged Sexual Misconduct or the process covered by this Policy on a need-to-know basis or where the law requires disclosure. The allegations will not be shared with outside law enforcement without the consent of the individual who has alleged or is the victim of the Sexual Misconduct, unless the allegations relate to physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect of a child under the age of 18 (see the “Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse” section below for more information) or unless the University is compelled to do so by a subpoena or court order.

        2. Confidential Communications and Resources

        The University recognizes that some individuals may wish to keep their concerns confidential. Confidential communications are those communications which cannot be disclosed to another person, without the reporter’s consent, except under limited circumstances. Exceptions to maintaining confidentiality are set by law. For example, physicians and nurses who treat a physical injury sustained during a sexual assault are required to report the incident to law enforcement. Also, physicians, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers must report a sexual assault committed against a person under 18 years of age or a vulnerable adult. An imminent threat to the life of any person must also be reported.

          An individual can speak confidentially with certain persons in legally protected roles. They include counselors, clergy, and sexual assault counselors. Information shared with other individuals is not legally protected from being disclosed.

          The University has designated confidential resources who are not obligated to report information that is provided to them. These resources are:

          • Counselors in the Biola Counseling Center (562-903-4800); and
          • Mike Ahn, Dean of Spiritual Development & Campus Pastor, and the Pastoral Care Team of Chad Miller, Noreen Muelhoff, and Megan Ashor located in the Spiritual Development office (Student Services Building, south wing), 562-777-4041, or email at

          The confidential resources identified above will not share communications or the fact that communication occurred without consent from the Complainant except in rare circumstances (e.g., compelled testimony from a court of law, cases of child or elder abuse, or where there is a reasonable threat of harm to self or a third person). Additionally, employees may seek confidential services from the Employee Assistance Program through New York Life (1 800 344-9752;

          Confidential resources are especially valuable for someone who is unsure about whether a formal complaint should be filed or how to label or process what happened. A person who speaks to a confidential resource should understand, however, that if the person does not report the concern to a non-confidential person at the University, such as one of the University officials designated in the “Reports to the University” section below, the University may be unable to provide certain interim actions or supportive measures that would require involvement from the University (such as issuing a no-contact directive), conduct a thorough investigation into the particular incident, or pursue disciplinary action.

          3. Non-Confidential Communications/Responsible Employees
          Non-confidential communications are those communications with any University employee who is not a confidential resource as identified above. The University has designated certain categories of employees as “responsible employees” who have certain reporting obligations. “Responsible employees” who become aware of incidents or allegations of Sexual Misconduct have a responsibility to report the matter to the Title IX Coordinator and must report all known information such as the identities of the parties, date, time and location and any other details about the incident. At the University, responsible employees are defined as follows:

          • All regular and adjunct faculty members;
          • Academic department administration personnel;
          • Athletics personnel;
          • Human Resources employees;
          • Student Development officers and their administrative assistants;
          • Residence Life staff, including Resident Advisors;
          • All student employees of Student Development (e.g. SGA, OCE, GSE, Commuter Life, SEID, Veteran and Military Affiliated Students);
          • Any employee who is supervising student employees.
          • Student Success staff, including Peer Academic Advisors and Peer Internship Ambassadors;
          • Members of the President’s Administrative Council;
          • The President and members of his Cabinet

          A responsible employee who fails to timely report suspected misconduct may be subjected to disciplinary action, the severity of which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

          All other employees and all students, even if not “responsible employees,” are also strongly encouraged to share any incidents of alleged Sexual Misconduct of which they become aware to the Title IX Coordinator or Campus Safety.

          4. Statistical Reporting and Crime Alert
          As required by federal law, the University includes statistics about certain offenses in its Annual Security Report and provides those statistics to the U.S. Department of Education in a manner that does not include any personally identifying information about individuals involved in an incident. In addition, the Clery Act requires the University to issue a crime alert (also referred to as a “timely warning”) to the campus community about certain reported offenses which may represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees. The crime alert may include information such as the fact that an incident has been reported, general information surrounding the incident, and how incidents of a similar nature might be prevented in the future. The crime alert will not include any identifying information about the individual who has alleged the Sexual Misconduct.

          Reports to the University

          The University urges anyone who experiences or becomes aware of an incident involving Sexual Misconduct, including but not limited to Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence or Stalking to report the incident to the University by contacting any of the following:

          • Title IX Coordinator:
            Sandy Hough
            Upper Level of Student Union
            13800 Biola Ave.
            La Mirada, CA 90639
            Telephone: (562) 944-0351, Ext. 5807
          • Campus Safety Response Team:
            Campus Safety Office (between the Student Health Center and west side of the Cafeteria)
            13800 Biola Ave.
            La Mirada, CA 90639
            Telephone: (562) 777-4000

          • For Employees:
            Susan Kaneshiro, Director, Human Resources
            Biola University
            Metzger Hall, Second Floor
            13800 Biola Ave.
            La Mirada, CA 90639
            Telephone: (562) 903-4757

            For Inter-Collegiate Athletic Programs:
            Nathanael Cook, Athletics Administrator for Facilities and Events
            Biola University
            13800 Biola Ave,
            La Mirada, CA 90639
            Telephone: (562) 944-0351, Ext. 3140

          Reports can be made by telephone, email, or in person to any of the individuals listed above. To enable the University to respond appropriately, reports to the University should include as much information as possible, including the name of the individual alleged to have experienced Sexual Misconduct, the name of the accused(s), and the date, time, place, and circumstances of the incident(s).
          The University will accept anonymous reports of Sexual Misconduct. The individual making the report is encouraged to provide as much detailed information as possible to allow the University to investigate the report and respond as appropriate. The University may be limited in its ability to investigate an anonymous report unless sufficient information is furnished to enable the University to conduct a meaningful and fair investigation.

          Reports to Law Enforcement

          Some types of Sexual Misconduct, including Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Dometic Violence or Stalking prohibited by this Policy are crimes. Individuals who believe they may have been the victim of a crime are strongly encouraged to report it to the Campus Safety Response Team by calling (562) 777-4000 and/or by contacting local law enforcement. If the individual chooses, a member of the Campus Safety Response Team will assist in notifying law enforcement authorities and/or will help facilitate filing a report with the appropriate police agency. Actions by the police agency may include conducting an interview, facilitating with medical follow-up, and assisting with protective orders. Individuals also have the option to decline to notify such authorities. Campus Safety personnel will assist and give advice regarding the importance of preserving evidence for the proof of a criminal offense and to whom the alleged offense should be reported. However, it is the individual’s decision whether or not to file a police report and/or to pursue a civil action against the Respondent. Individuals may file a criminal complaint and a report of Sexual Misconduct to the University simultaneously. Reporting to law enforcement is not necessary for the University to proceed with an investigation and the complaint resolution procedure under this Policy.

          Individuals who would like to report Sexual Misconduct that involves crimes, including but not limited to Sexual assault, Dating Violence, Dometic Violence or Stalking, to law enforcement should contact the following:

          • 911 (for emergencies)
          • La Mirada Sheriff’s Department
            13716 La Mirada Blvd.
            La Mirada, CA 90638
            Telephone: (562) 902-2960
          • Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
            Hall of Justice
            211 W. Temple St.
            Los Angeles, CA 90012
            Telephone: (213) 229-1700

          Immunity for Related Violations of Community Standards and University Policies

          Sometimes an individual may be reluctant to report an instance of Sexual Misconduct because of the fear of being charged with a violation of the University’s Community Standards and policies by virtue of having had some involvement in the circumstances that may have led to the Sexual Misconduct (e.g., a person was at a party where the alleged Sexual Misconduct occurred, and has knowledge of it, but does not want to report because she/he had been drinking). The University’s primary concern is for the safety of its students and employees. Therefore, the University encourages individuals to report instances of Sexual Misconduct and will take into consideration the importance of reporting such instances in addressing violations of the University’s Community Standards and policies.

          In accordance with California law, an individual who participates as a Complainant, reporting party, or witness in an investigation of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating violence, or Stalking will not be subject to disciplinary sanctions for a violation of the University’s Community Standards or policies at or near the time of the incident, unless the University determines that the violation was egregious, including but not limited to, an action that places the health or safety of any other person at risk. There may be discipline in other situations, such as those where Sexual Misconduct occurs in the context of plagiarism, cheating, or academic dishonesty (e.g., “I’ll write a paper for you if you have sex with me.”), or some other law that requires discipline. Examples of egregious violations include, but are not limited to:

          • Not seeking help when an individual is aware of a known medical concern or condition of another individual (e.g., alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, etc.) at the time of the violation(s);
          • Dealing, providing, or encouraging the use of drugs during the time of the violation(s); or
          • Threatening or causing physical harm to another individual, including instances where an individual is harmed by the conduct constituting a violation of the University’s Community Standards or Policies.

          F. Requests for Non-Action or Anonymity

          When the University receives a report of Sexual Misconduct, it will respond in a timely and appropriate manner. Filing a report with the University does not require an individual to begin or participate in the complaint resolution procedure or to file a report with local law enforcement. However, based on the information gathered and the totality of the circumstances involved, the University may determine that it has a responsibility to move forward even without the participation of the individual who has alleged the Sexual Misconduct. If an individual requests that the University not investigate or seek action against the Respondent or that his/her name or other identifiable information not be shared with the Respondent, the University will need to determine whether or not it can honor such a request while continuing to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all individuals, including the individual who reported the incident.


          VI. Actions Taken Upon Notification to Title IX Coordinator

          Initial Meeting with Title IX Coordinator

          Upon receiving a report of potential Sexual Misconduct under this Policy, the Title IX Coordinator shall meet with the Complainant. The Complainant may bring a support person to this initial meeting. During the meeting, the Title IX Coordinator will discuss the availability of supportive measures. The Complainant shall also be informed of the process to file a Formal Complaint and the options to pursue an informal resolution process or to initiate a formal grievance process, as well as a description of what each entails. The Complainant will also be notified during this meeting of the right to have an Advisor present and the role the Advisor may play in the process. These options and rights are described in section VII. below

          Also during this initial meeting, and based on the information provided by the Complainant, the Title IX Coordinator may express a preliminary, non-binding opinion as to whether the facts provided could support a finding of Sexual Misconduct under this Policy. At that time, the Complainant can decide to not pursue the matter further or to proceed with filing a Formal Complaint. Regardless of which option is chosen, supportive measures are available.

          Supportive Measures

          Complainants and Respondents shall be informed of supportive measures which, even though there may be adverse consequences to a person, are not intended for disciplinary or punitive purposes, but rather are designed to preserve or restore access to the University’s programs or activities. These measures may include those designed to protect the safety of the Parties or the educational environment as well as to deter Sexual Misconduct. Appropriate, reasonably available supportive services are available regardless of whether a Formal Complaint is filed and shall not unreasonably burden the other Party.

          During the initial meeting with the Title IX Coordinator, the Complainant will be able to express a preference with regard to what supportive measures are desired, which preference will be considered by the Title IX Coordinator. What supportive measures to provide is at the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator, and may include, but are not limited to the following:

          • Access to counseling services and assistance in setting up an initial appointment, on and off campus;
          • Imposition of a mutual or one-way on-campus "no-contact directive";
          • Rescheduling of exams and assignments;
          • Providing alternative course completion options;
          • Changing class schedules, including the ability to transfer course sections or withdrawal from a course without penalty;
          • Changing work schedules or job assignments;
          • Changing a student's University-owned housing, whether voluntary or not;
          • Assistance from University support staff in completing University housing relocation;
          • Limiting an individual's or organization's access to certain University facilities or activities pending resolution of the matter;
          • Voluntary leave of absence;
          • Providing an escort to ensure safe movement between classes and activities;
          • Providing medical services;
          • Providing academic support services, such as tutoring; and/or
          • Any other remedy that can be tailored to the involved individuals to achieve the goals of this Policy.

          Emergency Removal/Restrictions

          At any time during the process covered by this Policy, the University may remove a Student Respondent from an education program or activity on an emergency basis when an individualized safety and risk analysis has determined that removal is justified due to an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any individual. This risk assessment is performed by a team consisting of representatives from Student Development and Campus Safety to objectively evaluate the risk, with consultation with other professionals or University personnel, when appropriate. The team has broad discretion to determine the length, extent, and parameters of any removal or restrictions (e.g., housing restriction only or a complete ban from all programs and activities, and whether a removal already implemented should be stayed). Should Respondent violate an emergency removal, he/she may be subject to discipline which could include expulsion from the University.

          If the risk assessment team determines to implement an emergency removal, the Respondent shall be given written notice that contains the basis for the decision and the details of the restrictions, conditions and duration. The Respondent will have 72 hours to challenge the decision by submitting in writing his/her statement and any other information that supports Respondent’s contention that the removal or any of its conditions are not warranted. The writing shall be submitted to the Office of the Provost ( who will make a decision as to whether the emergency removal decision shall be upheld. This process is in addition to and does not replace the investigation and hearing process which will continue in accordance with the procedures in this Policy.

          The emergency removal is also applicable to Employee Respondents who may be placed on paid administrative leave during the grievance process. The decision relating to employees will be made by the Director of Human Resources or designee, whose decision is final and not subject to further review.


          VII. Grievance Process

          Filing a Formal Complaint

          The Grievance Process begins with the filing of a Formal Complaint with the Title IX Coordinator. A Formal Complaint is a written, signed complaint that describes the facts of the incident involving the alleged Sexual Misconduct, including the approximate date, time, and location of the conduct, and the persons involved. Complainants are only able to file a Formal Complaint under this Policy if they are currently participating, or attempting to participate in, the education programs or activities of the University, which includes being an employee of the University. For Complainants who do not meet this criteria, the University will direct the Complainant to any other applicable existing policy.

          If a Complainant does not wish to make a Formal Complaint, the Title IX Coordinator may still determine that a Formal Complaint is necessary. If so, the University will inform the Complainant of this decision in writing, and the Complainant need not participate in the process further but will receive all notices issued under this Policy as part of the grievance process.

          Nothing in the Grievance Policy prevents a Complainant from seeking the assistance of state or local law enforcement concurrent with the University’s grievance process.

          Initial Assessment/Dismissal of Complaint

          Once a Formal Complaint has been filed, the Title IX Coordinator shall conduct an initial assessment to determine if the complaint falls within the scope of Title IX. The Title IX regulations require the University to dismiss a complaint if, at any time during the process, it is determined that one or more of the following is true:

          1. The conduct is alleged to have occurred before August 14, 2020;
          2. The conduct alleged in the Formal Complaint, even if proved, would not constitute Title IX sexual harassment;
          3. The alleged conduct occurred against a person outside of the United States;
          4. The alleged conduct did not occur in the University’s educational programs or activities as defined in the Scope of this Policy above;
          5. At the time of filing the Formal Complaint, the Complainant is not participating, or attempting to participate in, the education programs or activities of the University.

          Additionally, at any time during the initial assessment or investigation, informal resolution process if applicable, or the adjudication stage, the Complaint may be dismissed if:

          1. The Complainant notifies the Title IX Coordinator in writing that he/she wants to withdraw the Formal Complaint or any of the allegations stated therein; or
          2. The Respondent is no longer affiliated with the University due to not being enrolled (if a Student) or no longer being employed (if an employee); or
          3. The University is unable to gather the evidence needed in order for a determination to be made.

          In the event of a dismissal of a Formal Complaint, the University will promptly send written notice of the dismissal that also contains the reasons for the dismissal. Dismissal of the Formal Complaint under the Title IX regulations does not necessarily mean that the complaint cannot proceed under other policies or provisions of the University’s code of conduct. If the University decides to pursue the complaint under other policies or codes of conduct, the Parties will be notified and any changes to the process stated herein will be explained to the Parties at the time of that notice.

          Notice of Allegations

          Once a Formal Complaint has been filed, the Title IX Coordinator will provide the Complainant and the Respondent, if known, written notice to either the Parties’ Biola-issued email address, in person, or mailed to a physical address on file with the University. The notice shall contain the following:

          • Notice of the allegations supporting the claim of Sexual Misconduct with sufficient details (the nature of the conduct allegedly constituting Sexual Misconduct, and the date and location of conduct, if known at the time) and with sufficient notice (normally between 3 and 5 calendar days) to prepare for an initial interview;
          • Notice of the University’s formal grievance process and informal resolution process;
          • A statement that the Respondent is presumed not responsible for the alleged conduct and that a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance process;
          • A statement that the Parties may have an Advisor of their choice, who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney;
          • A statement that before the conclusion of the investigation, the Parties may inspect and review evidence obtained as part of the investigation that is directly related to the allegations raised in the Formal Complaint, including the evidence upon which the University does not intend to rely in reaching a determination regarding responsibility, and evidence that tends to both prove or disprove the allegations, whether obtained from a party or other source, and that the Parties’ Advisor may inspect and review such evidence;
          • A statement notifying the Parties of the University’s policy against Retaliation and that knowingly making false statements or submitting false information during the grievance process is prohibited; and
          • Information regarding disability accommodations available throughout the process.
          • The availability of supportive measures throughout the process.

          If, in the course of an investigation, additional information becomes known and the University decides to investigate allegations about the Complainant or Respondent that are not included in the Notice of Allegations, the University will notify the Parties of the additional allegations that will be investigated.

          Rights, Obligations and General Principles

          Right to an Advisor. The Complainant and the Respondent have the right to be assisted by one Advisor of their choice. The purpose of the Advisor is to support an individual during the grievance process, including accompanying the individual to in-person interviews, other meetings, at the adjudication hearing (if one occurs), and appeal meetings, as well as at informal resolution meetings.

          While the Parties can choose not to select an Advisor, if there is an adjudication hearing, the party who does not have an Advisor may not conduct cross-examination of the other party during the hearing (see below regarding cross-examination at a hearing).

          The following are rules and guidance relating to Advisors:

          • The Advisor may not appear in lieu of the Complainant or the Respondent or speak on their behalf in either in-person or written communications to the University. The only exception to this relates to the Advisor’s role in conducting cross-examination as explained in the hearing procedures below.
          • The Advisor may not communicate directly with the investigator(s), adjudicators, hearing officer(s), appeal officer(s), the Title IX Coordinator (except with regard to process or procedural questions) or any other school official involved in the grievance process and may not interrupt or otherwise delay the process.
          • Advisors may have access to information concerning a case when the party who selected the Advisor has given permission for the Advisor to be copied on emails or other correspondence. An Advisor’s access to such information is subject to the same limitations as those placed upon the Parties and conditioned upon the Advisor’s agreement to maintain the confidentiality of any student educational records or other confidential information. As such, the Advisor will not be provided with any information until he or she agrees in writing to comply with these requirements.
          • Parties must provide the name of the person they have selected as their Advisor to the Title IX Coordinator. Advisors will be required to sign an Advisor Agreement acknowledging receipt and understanding of the requirements described herein. Failure to comply with these requirements, including violations of confidentiality or other forms of interference with the complaint resolution procedure by the Advisor, may result in the disqualification of an Advisor.
          • Should one party not select an Advisor, the University has the obligation to provide an Advisor for that Party (at no cost) for the hearing phase of the adjudication process in order to ask cross-examination questions during the hearing.
          • Choosing an Advisor who is also a Witness may create a potential for bias and conflict of interest, issues that the party should anticipate being raised and explored at the hearing by the other party or the adjudicators.
          • The Parties are required to inform the investigators at least two business days before their first meeting with the investigators of the identity of their Advisor, if they have selected one. The Title IX Coordinator should be promptly notified of any change in Advisor. As for the hearing, if any, notice of the Advisor’s identity must be provided no later than two business days prior to the hearing and the University expects the Advisors will clear their calendars to accommodate the hearing date and time. The University has the discretion to change the date so long as it does not result in an unreasonable delay in the process.
          • Communications between the Parties and his/her Advisor will remain confidential throughout the resolution process even if the Advisor is not an attorney. However, in the event an Advisor is appointed by the University for a Party, even if that Advisor is an attorney, their communications are not deemed privileged under the attorney-client privilege for any proceeding outside of the Title IX resolution process.

          Non-Participation and Silence. Either party may decline, at any time, to provide information or participate further in the grievance process. If, at any time during the process, a party decides not to participate, the University will proceed with the process and make a determination based upon the information available. For more information pertaining to a party’s participation at a hearing, see Hearing Procedures below.

          Obligation to Act in Good Faith. Reports and complaints of alleged Sexual Misconduct should be made only in good faith. Complaints that are not made in good faith may be a form of Retaliation under this Policy and/or may violate other University policies. All Parties and Witnesses have an obligation to be truthful throughout the grievance process.

          Conflicts of Interest. If a Complainant or Respondent has any concern that any individual acting for the University under this Policy (e.g., investigator, adjudicator, Title IX Coordinator, etc.) has a conflict of interest or bias, such concern should be reported in writing to the Title IX Coordinator within three (3) business days of learning of the potential bias or conflict of interest. The Title IX Coordinator will review the concern(s) and take appropriate steps to ensure that any such conflict or bias does not exist, or will not jeopardize the fair and impartial nature of the process.

          If the Title IX Coordinator has a conflict of interest with respect to a Complaint, the Vice President of Student Development shall appoint an alternative person to oversee the grievance process and adherence to this Policy with respect to the Complaint.

          Disability Accommodations. The University is committed to full access and inclusion of students with disabilities in its processes and services, including investigations, hearings and other student conduct processes. Students with documented disabilities involved in an investigative or hearing process should notify the Title IX Coordinator if he/she needs assistance during the process in sufficient time before any interviews, meetings or hearings so that appropriate accommodations can be made.

          Time Frames for Resolution. The University is committed to the prompt and equitable resolution of allegations of Sexual Misconduct, and generally seeks to conclude its process within 90 calendar days of the filing of the Formal Complaint and its appeal process within 21 calendar days thereafter. When an Informal Resolution is pursued, the University seeks to conclude that process within 30 days of the Formal Complaint being filed. Circumstances may arise that require the extension of time frames based on: the complexity of the allegations; the number of Witnesses involved; the availability of the Parties involved; Witnesses being absent from campus; the effect of a concurrent criminal investigation; unsuccessful attempts at informal resolution; any intervening school break or vacation; or other unforeseen circumstances. When these circumstances warrant additional time, the Title IX Coordinator will notify the Parties in writing of the anticipated extended time frame.

          In cases where an incident has also been reported to law enforcement, the University will strive to not delay its investigation and adjudication processes to wait for the conclusion of a criminal investigation or proceeding. The University will, however, comply with valid requests by law enforcement for information and/or cooperation in a criminal investigation. As such, the University may need to temporarily delay an investigation under this Policy while law enforcement is in the process of gathering evidence.

          Complainants are encouraged to begin the grievance process as soon as possible following an alleged Sexual Misconduct incident. There is, however, no deadline for reporting prohibited conduct to the University under this Policy (so long as the conduct occurred on or after August 14, 2020). The University’s ability to respond, however, may diminish over time, as evidence may erode, memories may fade, and the Respondent may no longer be affiliated with the University.

          Applicable Policy. When the University receives a Report or a Complaint of a violation of this Policy, the University will generally apply the grievance processes and procedures from the Policy that is in effect at the time that the Report or Complaint is made and generally will apply the Sexual Misconduct definitions from the policy that was in effect at the time the alleged misconduct occurred.

          Reservation of Flexibility. The procedures set forth in this Policy reflect the University’s desire to respond to Complaints in good faith and in a manner that promotes fairness to all parties. The University recognizes that each case is unique and that circumstances may arise which require that it reserve some flexibility in responding to the particular circumstances of the matter. Where it is not possible or practical to follow these procedures, the University reserves the right to modify the procedures or to take other administrative action as appropriate under the circumstances.

          Informal Resolution

          Informal resolution is a voluntary process for timely and corrective action through the imposition of individual and/or community-focused remedies designed to maintain the Complainant's access to the educational, extracurricular, and employment activities at the University and to eliminate a potential hostile environment. The option to pursue informal resolution will be presented to the Parties only after the University has sufficient information about the nature and scope of the conduct at issue. An informal resolution process will not be offered to resolve allegations of Sexual Misconduct against a Student by an employee but may be appropriate to resolve allegations between two employees and may be appropriate when the Parties to a given conflict are a Student Complainant and a Student Respondent.

          Although both Parties may voluntarily consent to the informal resolution process, the ultimate decision as to whether such a process is appropriate is left to the sole discretion of the Title IX Coordinator.

          Prior to implementing an informal resolution, the Title IX Coordinator will provide the Parties with written notice of the alleged Sexual Misconduct and any sanctions or measures that may result from participating in an informal resolution process, including information regarding any records that will be maintained or shared by the University. The University will obtain voluntary, written confirmation that all Parties wish to resolve the matter through informal resolution before proceeding and will not pressure the Parties to participate in an informal resolution.

          If the Complainant, the Respondent, and the Title IX Coordinator or designee all agree to pursue an informal resolution, the Title IX Coordinator or appointed facilitator will attempt to reach a resolution that is agreeable to the Parties. The role of the Title IX Coordinator or facilitator is not to be an advocate for either party, but rather, to aid in the resolution of issues in a non-adversarial manner.

          Under the informal process, the University will not necessarily need to complete the entire investigative process. Rather, it is acceptable to only conduct such fact-finding as is useful to resolve the conflict and as is necessary to protect the interests of the Parties, the University, and the University community.

          The University will not compel a Complainant or Respondent to engage in mediation, to directly confront the other party, or to participate in any particular form of informal resolution. If at any point during the informal resolution process, the Complainant, the Respondent, or the University wishes to cease the informal resolution process and to proceed with the formal hearing process, the informal resolution process will stop and the formal hearing process described below will proceed. The informal resolution process can also proceed should there be the voluntary agreement to do so and the Title IX Coordinator agrees. Should the informal process be undertaken with no resolution or one of the parties decides to withdraw consent to the informal process, this may delay the ultimate resolution of the Complaint and the Title IX Coordinator will notify the parties of a new estimated schedule for completing the process.

          Any informal resolution must adequately address the concerns of the Complainant, the rights of the Respondent, and the overall intent of the University to stop, remedy, and prevent Policy violations. The University will take appropriate actions as necessary and use its best efforts to remedy any harm that occurred and to prevent any further incidents of Sexual Misconduct.

          There is no right to appeal a resolution agreement once all Parties agree in writing to the resolution. Once there is an agreement in writing, the formal hearing process is unavailable to resolve the allegations raised in the Formal Complaint. The Title IX Coordinator will maintain records of all reports and conduct referred for informal resolution.

          When the Parties cannot agree on all terms necessary to resolve the dispute, the formal grievance process will be resumed wherever it left off before the informal process was attempted. Information developed during the informal resolution process, if not already part of the record through the investigation already conducted or as stated in the Formal Complaint, will be treated as confidential and not available to be used in the formal grievance process.

          Formal Resolution Process

          1. Investigation

          a. Gathering Evidence. Sexual Misconduct investigations are typically investigated by Campus Safety personnel who are trained professional investigators or, in some instances where Clery crimes are not implicated, by other properly trained investigators. The University also reserves the right to hire an outside investigator to conduct a Sexual Misconduct investigation.

          The University, not the Parties, has the burden of proof and the burden of gathering evidence, i.e., the responsibility for showing a violation of this Policy has occurred. This burden does not rest with either party, and either party may decide not to share their account of what occurred or may decide not to participate in an investigation or hearing. This does not shift the burden of proof away from the University and does not indicate responsibility.

          When investigating the allegations in a Formal Complaint, the University will do the following:

          • Provide an equal opportunity for the Parties to present Witnesses, including fact and expert witnesses, and other inculpatory and exculpatory evidence, (i.e. evidence that tends to prove or disprove the allegations) as described below.
          • Not restrict the ability of either Party to discuss the allegations or to gather and present relevant evidence.
          • Allow both Parties to have an Advisor present during the investigation meetings although the Advisors may not speak for the Parties.
          • Give written notice to the Parties of the date, time, location, participants, and purpose of all investigative interviews with sufficient time (normally two or three calendar days) for the party to prepare to participate in the interview.

          b. Access to Medical Records. The University cannot access, consider, or disclose medical records without a waiver from the party (or parent, if the Student is a minor) about whom the records pertain.

          c. Recording of Interviews. No unauthorized audio or video recording or transcription of any kind is permitted during investigation meetings. The investigator(s) may record interviews by audio and/or video with notice to the Parties of the fact of the recording. Although the recordings or verbatim transcriptions of interviews or investigation meetings will not be shared with the Parties, Witnesses or Advisors, a summary of relevant evidence obtained during the process that is directly related to the allegations in the Formal Complaint will be shared with the Parties and their Advisors as described below.

          d. Witness Interviews/Use of Statements. When feasible, Witness interviews should be conducted in person. If, due to the location of the Witness, possible school breaks, etc., it is impractical to do so, a video or phone interview is acceptable. An investigator may also allow a Witness to submit a written statement instead of being interviewed. Any such statement may be used by either Party at the time of the hearing, even if the Witness does not attend the hearing, and the adjudicators will determine the weight to be given to the statement.

          2. Inspection of Evidence and Investigation Report

          Once the initial investigation is completed, the following steps will be followed by the University:

          • Inspection of Evidence. The Parties will be given an equal opportunity to inspect and review the evidence obtained through the investigation, including any evidence upon which the University does not intend to rely in reaching a determination and any inculpatory and exculpatory evidence. The purpose of the inspection and review process is to allow each party the equal opportunity to meaningfully respond to the evidence prior to conclusion of the investigation.
            • The University will send the evidence described above to the Parties’ Biola issued email account and to the Advisors, if any, to the email provided by the Parties. The Parties and the Advisors must adhere to any restrictions or limitations on access that are provided to them at the time of transmission.
            • The Parties will be allowed 10 (ten) calendar days to respond in writing to the evidence presented and may submit additional evidence as part of the response. This response and any additional evidence will be considered by the investigator prior to completion of the final investigative report and will be shared with the other Party.
            • The investigator will incorporate any additional relevant evidence in, and prepare, the final investigation report. A description of evidence obtained in the investigation that is determined in the reasoned judgment of the investigator not to be directly related to the allegations in the Formal Complaint will be included in the appendices to the investigation report.
              • Note re: evidence that will not be considered - the following are certain types of evidence that the investigators will consider as not relevant: Other incidents not directly related to potential Sexual Misconduct at issue will not be considered unless they are relevant for some other purpose such as showing a pattern of behavior. Likewise, evidence pertaining to the Complaint’s prior sexual history will not be considered unless it is relevant to determine that someone other than the Respondent committed the misconduct or if it is used to demonstrate consent because of a history of behavior with the Respondent
            • The final investigation report shall contain a statement of the steps taken to obtain evidence during the investigation and a summary of all relevant evidence. At least seven (7) calendar days before the date set for a hearing, the report will be sent to each Party and the Party's Advisor, if any, in an electronic format for their review through the Parties’ Biola issued e-mail account and to the Advisors, if any, to the email provided by the Parties. The Parties and the Advisors must adhere to any restrictions or limitations on access that are provided to them at the time of transmission. Parties will have the opportunity at the time of the hearing to respond to any submission by the other Party contained in the final report.

          3. Hearing Process

          a. Live Hearings. The University will not issue a disciplinary sanction arising from an allegation of Sexual Misconduct (with the possible exception of Sexual Exploitation) as defined in this Policy without holding a live hearing. The live hearing may be conducted with all Parties physically present in the same room but only if the Parties agree and if the Title IX Coordinator determines it is in the best interests of the Parties and the University. Otherwise, and in most situations, the hearing will be conducted virtually through video conferencing which allows all Parties, Witnesses and other participants to see and hear each other simultaneously.

          Although the Parties are entitled to a live hearing, the University nonetheless views this process as primarily an educational, not a legal process. Thus, except as provided herein, a Party is not entitled to the same legal safeguards and protections that must be provided to parties in a civil or criminal proceeding.

          b. Hearing Panel/Participants. A hearing officer is the chair of the 3-person hearing panel (“adjudicators” or “hearing panel”) who will decide a case assigned to it. The hearing panel is typically composed of trained faculty and/or staff members but the University reserves the right to select adjudicators who are not employed by the University so long as they are properly trained. In cases involving an employee as a Respondent and a Complainant, a one-person adjudicator may be appropriate at the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator.

          The Title IX Coordinator or hearing officer may designate a person to serve as a hearing facilitator to perform such functions as scheduling the hearing, distributing materials to participants, managing the technology for the hearings, coordinating the presentation of evidence through the Parties and Witnesses.

          Live hearings are not public, and the only individuals permitted to participate in the hearing are the Parties, their Advisors, the adjudicators. a hearing facilitator, and scheduled Witnesses (but only when they are being questioned).

          The following are factors to be considered when determining the selection of the adjudicators of a particular case:

          • No adjudicator will also have served as the Title IX Coordinator, Title IX investigator, or Advisor to any Party in the case, nor may any member of the hearing panel serve as an appellate officer in the case.
          • No member of the hearing panel will have a conflict of interest or bias in favor of or against Complainants or Respondents generally, or in favor or against the Parties to the particular case.
          • Members of the hearing panel will be trained on topics including how to serve impartially, issues of relevance, including how to apply the rape shield protections provided for complainants, and any technology to be used at the hearing.

          c. Notice/Timing of Hearing. At least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date set for the live hearing, the Parties will receive a written notice by email stating the hearing date which shall be no more than ten (10) business days after the final investigation report is sent to the Parties. Hearings may be conducted prior to, simultaneously with, or following criminal or civil proceedings. The notice of hearing will also include the following information:

          • a description of the behavior that allegedly violates the Sexual Misconduct Policy;
          • a copy of all investigative materials provided to the hearing panel unless that has already been provided to the Parties (e.g., final investigation report, Parties’ response to the report, and other relevant information approved by the Hearing Officer);
          • a reminder that if a Party does not have an Advisor, the University will provide an Advisor to appear on the Party’s behalf;
          • a description of how the hearing will be conducted including the technology to be used;
          • a list of all participants with an invitation to the Parties to object to any adjudicator based on proof of bias no later than five (5) business days prior to the hearing.
          • an opportunity for the Parties to agree that witness testimony within the investigation report is sufficient so that live testimony is not needed. If there is agreement by the Parties, the Hearing Officer will make the decision as to whether the witness needs to be present in person at the hearing;
          • an opportunity to arrange for any disability accommodations that will be needed at the hearing - this must be requested no later than five (5) calendar days before the hearing;
          • an opportunity for each Party to submit cross-examination questions that their Advisor intends to ask the other Party and Witnesses at the hearing. If this is done ahead of time, the Hearing Officer can make rulings relating to the relevance prior to the hearing which would assist in avoiding delays during the hearing. The Parties will be told this is not mandatory as they may still submit cross-examination questions at the time of the hearing;
          • an opportunity for each party to present to the Hearing Officer an impact statement for the adjudicators to consider when and if sanctions need to be determined. Such a statement should be submitted directly to the Title IX Coordinator who will provide it to the hearing panel only if there has been a finding that the Respondent violated this Policy.

          d. Attendance/participation at the Hearing.

          • The Parties cannot waive the right to a live hearing.
          • The University may still proceed with the live hearing in the absence of a Party, and may reach a determination of responsibility in his or her absence.
          • The University cannot compel a Party or a Witness to attend the hearing, nor will the University threaten, coerce, intimidate or discriminate against a Party in an attempt to secure the Party’s attendance.
          • If a Party or Witness has submitted a prior statement during the course of an investigation, that statement may be used, if it is determined to be relevant, even if the person making the statement does not submit to cross-examination.
          • The adjudicators cannot draw an inference about credibility or responsibility based solely on a Party’s absence from the live hearing or refusal to answer cross examination or other questions.
          • The Parties, Advisors and Witnesses are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with accepted rules of decorum and consistent with University standards of conduct and ethics.
          • A Party’s Advisor has only two roles during the hearing: (1) To confer with the Party during the hearing after requesting a break to do so; and (2) to conduct cross-examination of the other Party and witnesses. An Advisor may also respond to any questions asked directly to him or her by the Hearing Officer.

          e. Conduct of Hearings. For all live hearings conducted under thisTitle IX Grievance Process, the order of the hearing will be as follows:

          • Hearing Officer will open and establish rules and expectations for the hearing including an agenda and a list of Witnesses in the order they are expected to participate;
          • Parties (not Advisors) will each be given the opportunity to introduce themselves and their Advisors and provide opening statements of not more than ten minutes with the Complainant proceeding first and then the Respondent;
          • The Complainant will be asked to provide relevant information through materials provided to the Parties prior to the hearing, as well as through testimony. Adjudicators will ask questions directly of the Party and Witnesses about their testimony or evidence in the materials and then they will be subject to cross-examination by the Advisor of the other Party once the Hearing Officer determines the questions are relevant. This same procedure is then used for the Respondent to present testimony and evidence, respond to questions and cross-examination.
          • Parties (not Advisors) are given the opportunity to make a brief closing statement of not more than five minutes.

          Other considerations relating to the conduct of live hearings are as follows:

          • Parties will be given the opportunity for live cross-examination after the adjudicators conduct their initial round of questioning. During the Parties’ cross-examination, the Hearing Officer will have the authority to pause cross-examination at any time for the purposes of allowing adjudicators to ask their own follow up questions and as necessary to enforce established rules of decorum;
          • Each Party’s Advisor will conduct live cross-examination of the other Party and Witnesses. During this live-cross examination the Advisor will ask the other Party or Witnesses relevant questions and follow-up questions, including those challenging credibility, directly, verbally, and in real time;
          • Before any cross-examination question is answered, the Hearing Officer will determine if the question is relevant. Cross-examination questions that are duplicative of those already asked, including by the adjudicators, may be deemed irrelevant if they have been asked and answered;
          • Cross-examination by Advisors must follow the hearing procedures and the standard rules of decorum, which prohibit questioning in an abusive, badgering, intimidating, or disrespectful manner. If a Party's Advisor of choice refuses to comply with these rules of decorum for the hearing, the Hearing Officer may require the party to use a different Advisor. If a University-provided Advisor refuses to comply with these rules of decorum, the Hearing Officer may provide that Party with a different Advisor to conduct cross-examination on behalf of that Party.
          • Should a Party or the Party’s Advisor choose not to cross-examine a Party or Witness, the Party shall affirmatively waive cross-examination through a written or verbal statement to the Hearing Officer. A Party’s waiver of cross-examination does not eliminate the ability of the adjudicators to use statements made by the Party;
          • The Hearing Officer will answer all questions of procedure presented before or during a hearing;
          • Parties may confer with their Advisor during the hearing in such a way so the hearing is not disturbed and they are not overheard by other participants. The Parties will be cautioned against, however, excessive conferences, with a note that such conduct may be considered when weighing the Party’s credibility. The Hearing Officer also has the discretion to limit the timing and length of breaks requested by the Parties to confer with Advisors.
          • If, during the course of the hearing, additional Policy violations are discovered, the Respondent will be notified of the new alleged violation(s) and will be granted additional time, if needed, to prepare a defense of the new alleged violation(s). The Respondent may waive the additional time and the hearing can proceed with the new alleged violation(s) taken under consideration by the adjudicators. A record will be made in the hearing notes of additional alleged violation(s) and whether or not the Respondent desires additional preparation time.

          4. Determination of Responsibility/Sanctions

          Following the hearing, the adjudicators will deliberate in order to determine whether there was a violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy. They will use the preponderance of the evidence standard (whether it is more likely than not that a violation occurred) and a majority vote is all that is required to determine the outcome.

          If the adjudicators determine there was a violation of the Policy, and the Respondent is a Student, the adjudicators will then deliberate to determine what sanctions are appropriate under the circumstances. The adjudicators will review and consider any impact statements previously presented by the Parties. Once a decision is made regarding responsibility and the appropriate sanctions, if any, the Hearing Office will notify the Title IX Coordinator.

          a. Potential Sanctions for Student Respondents. Potential sanctions for a Sexual Misconduct violation, depending on the severity of the conduct and the totality of the circumstances, are listed below. Typically, Sexual Misconduct that involves violence, force or coercion, will be treated as more severe. Also, more than one type of sanction may be imposed.

          • Warning: Oral or written notice to the student that the student is violating or has violated the Sexual Misconduct Policy and that continuation or repetition of misconduct may result in a more severe sanction.
          • University Probation: A status which indicates that a student's relationship with the University is tenuous. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found in violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy or other policy violations. Probation may also result in the loss of privileges, depending on the policies of various University departments and organizations.
          • Loss of Privileges: Such loss may include, but is not limited to, financial assistance, eligibility to represent the University officially on athletic teams or performing groups, or use of specific University facilities, or services.
          • Restitution: Compensation for actual loss, damage or injury (e.g., torn or damaged clothing). Failure to pay such charges may result in additional sanctions (e.g., denial of re-enrollment).
          • Educational Sanctions: Reading/writing assignment, drug or alcohol assessment/treatment, seminar attendance, appropriate community service (e.g., volunteer at a rape resource center) or other discretionary sanctions as deemed appropriate.
          • Dismissal from University Housing: Loss of privilege to live in University housing.
In accordance with University housing policy, students required to live on campus who are dismissed from University housing may be dismissed from Biola University.
          • Suspension: Temporary separation of the student from Biola University for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return without reapplying through the office of admissions. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
          • Expulsion: The student is permanently separated from the University with a notation of the reasons for the termination in his/her file. Expulsion will be noted on a student’s transcript.

          When students are suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons, there will be no refund of tuition or room charges for the semester and financial aid may be canceled. Absences from classes and chapels are not excused and academic work that is missed may not be made up. Upon permanent separation from University housing, students may apply to Auxiliary Services for unused board charges.

          If a violation occurs just prior to a student's scheduled graduation, sanctions may be imposed even if all academic requirements are completed. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, community service, research or reflective paper, restitution, loss of privilege to participate in the graduation ceremony, deferment of degree, and a transcript hold. The University may withhold issuing a degree until all sanctions are fulfilled. In the case of a serious violation, the University may permanently withhold a degree.

          If the Respondent who is found responsible is a staff employee or adjunct faculty member, the adjudicators will recommend sanctions to the Senior Director of Human Resources who, after consulting with the staff member’s supervisor or Dean of the School in which the adjunct teaches (if an adjunct faculty), will make the final decision. If the Respondent who is found responsible is a Full-time Faculty member, the recommended sanctions will be sent to the Dean of the School where the faculty member teaches who, in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator, will determine the appropriate sanction.

          The Title IX Coordinator will be consulted for the purpose of determining any appropriate remedies for the Complainant.

          b. Letter of Determination

          Timing of Determination. After the hearing is concluded, the written decision letter will typically be sent to the Parties within three (3) business days. This timeframe may be altered when an employee is a Respondent due to required approval of sanctions by supervisors or others. While the University will use all reasonable efforts to adhere to this timeline, flexibility may be needed depending on the circumstances of a given case. The Parties will be notified of any delays.

          Determination Letter. The determination letter shall include:

          • A description of the allegations potentially constituting Sexual Misconduct;
          • A description of the allegations potentially constituting Sexual Misconduct;
          • A description of the procedural steps taken from the receipt of the Formal Complaint through the determination, including any notifications to the Parties, interviews with Parties and Witnesses, site visits, methods used to gather other evidence, and hearings held;
          • Findings of fact supporting the determination;
          • Conclusions regarding which provisions of the Policy the Respondent did or did not violate;
          • For each allegation:
            • A statement of, and rationale for, a determination regarding responsibility;
            • A statement of, and rationale for, any disciplinary sanctions the University imposes on the Respondent; and
            • A statement of, and rationale for, whether remedies designed to restore or preserve equal access to the University’s education program or activity will be provided by the University to the Complainant; and
          • The availability for and procedures relating to the right to an appeal (described below in “Appeal”).

          5. Appeal Process

          Timing/Appellate Officer/Length. Within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date the Determination Letter is sent to the Parties, either Party may appeal from an adverse determination regarding responsibility to the appropriate Appellate Officer. If the Respondent is a Student, the appeal is to be made to the Vice President of Student Development. If the Respondent is a staff employee, the appeal is to be made to the appellate officer designated by the Senior Director of Human Resources. If the Respondent is a faculty employee, the appeal is to be made to the appellate officer designated by the Provost.

          The length of appeal must not exceed 10 pages (double-spaced, 12-pt. font) unless prior approval is sought from and obtained by the Appellate Officer.

          Grounds for Appeal. General dissatisfaction with the outcome of the decision or an appeal for mercy is not an appropriate basis for an appeal. Instead, the written appeal must be based on and state one or more of the four grounds specified below:

          1. Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter;
          2. New evidence that was not reasonably available at the time the dismissal was made which could affect the outcome of the matter;
          3. Bias or conflict of interest by the Title IX coordinator, investigator(s) or adjudicators for or against Complainants or Respondents generally or the individual Complainant or Respondent that affected the outcome of the matter; or
          4. The sanctions imposed are disproportionate to the Adjudicator’s findings (may be appealed by either the Complainant or Respondent).

          The non-appealing Party will be notified within two (2) business days after the time for filing an appeal has lapsed of the fact that the other Party has filed an appeal. The non-appealing party may request to review the written appeal and may submit a written response within seven (7) calendar days after being notified. The length of the response must not exceed 10 pages (double-spaced, 12-pt. font) unless prior approval is sought and obtained from the Appellate Officer.

          Generally, the appellate process does not require a hearing, nor does it require the Appellate Officer to make personal contact with the sanctioned Respondent or the adjudicators. The Appellate Officer has the discretion, however, to contact any of the Parties or participants in the grievance process should it be determined doing so could aid in rendering a decision.

          Within fifteen (15) business days from the date of receipt of the written appeal, the Appellate Officer will notify the Parties of the decision and the rationale for it. The Appellate Officer may affirm, reverse, or modify the sanction and may also return the case to the adjudicators for further consideration. The Appellate Officer’s decision shall be final and effective immediately unless otherwise specified. The notification to the Parties will be by email to the Parties’ Biola accounts.


          VIII. Retention of Disciplinary Records

          Other than University dismissal/expulsion or permanent withholding of a degree, disciplinary sanctions will not be made part of the student's permanent academic record, but will become part of the student's disciplinary record. Cases involving the imposition of sanctions other than University expulsion or dismissal or withholding of a degree will be expunged from the student's disciplinary record seven years after graduation.


          IX. Complaints of Retaliation, Violation of Supportive Measures, and Violation of Sanctions

          Any complaint relating to retaliation in violation of this Policy, violations of supportive measures, or violations of sanctions should be reported promptly to the Title IX Coordinator. The University will take appropriate action against any individual who retaliates against another person in violation of this Policy or who violates supportive measures or sanctions.

          When the University receives a complaint of retaliation or of violations of supportive measures or sanctions, the Title IX Coordinator may exercise discretion to determine an appropriate responsive process based on the facts and circumstances. Options for resolution include but are not limited to, informal discussions and resolution facilitated by the Title IX Coordinator or designee, or assignment of a designated individual to investigate the complaint and determine an appropriate response. This process will be separate and distinct from the complaint resolution procedures outlined above for addressing Sexual Misconduct Complaints.


          X. Alternative Complaint Procedures

          Individuals are encouraged to use the complaint resolution procedure in this Policy to resolve a complaint of Sexual Misconduct. However, nothing in this Policy is intended to interfere with the right of any individual to pursue other avenues of recourse which may include, but are not limited to, filing a complaint (at the beginning, during, or after use of the complaint resolution procedure) with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) or with the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:

          • U.S. Department of Education
 Office for Civil Rights, San Francisco Office
            50 United Nations Plaza
            San Francisco, CA 94102
            Telephone: (415) 486-5555
            Fax: (415) 486-5570
          • U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 
Los Angeles District Office
            Roybal Federal Building 
255 East Temple St., 4th Floor 
Los Angeles, CA 90012
            Telephone: (800) 669-4000
            Fax: (213) 894-1118

          In addition, for complaints regarding the University, including complaints related to institutional policies or procedures, an individual may contact the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint:

          Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 
2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400 
Sacramento, CA 95833
          Telephone: (916) 431-6959
          Fax: (916) 263-1897
