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Faculty and Staff

The faculty at Talbot are not only esteemed scholars who are widely published and respected in the academic community, but they are also actively engaged in ministry, counseling and the local church. Coming from a variety of backgrounds with a wide range of expertise, Talbot faculty bring unique insight and knowledge that is both rooted in Scripture and grounded in experience.

Associate Professor of Theology
Research Professor of New Testament
Associate Director of the Institute for Spiritual Formation
Professor of New Testament
Director, Marriage and Family Therapy
Director, Online Psychology Program
Professor of Physics
Associate Professor of Christian Ministry
Professor of Christian Ministries (Undergraduate Division)
Chair, Christian Ministry and Leadership Department
Director, Institute for Spiritual Formation
Associate Professor of Theology
Professor of Christian Higher Education
Professor of Christian Higher Education
Associate Professor, Feinberg Center
Professor of Philosophy
Associate Dean, Assessment, Accreditation and Administration
President, Chosen People Ministries (Charles L. Feinberg Center)
Associate Professor of Old Testament, Feinberg Center
Professor of Theology
Director, Charles L. Feinberg Center (Talbot, New York Extension)
Assistant Professor, Talbot
Assistant Professor of Theology
Director, Christian Apologetics Program
Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitics
Division of Biblical and Theological Studies
Professor and Chair of New Testament Language and Literature
Associate Dean, Division of Biblical and Theological Studies
Director, Master of Arts program
Associate Professor of Old Testament
Associate Dean, Online Education and Faculty Development
Professor and Chair of Christian Ministries (Undergraduate Division)
Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitics
Director, Office for the Integration of Faith and Learning
Professor of Theology
Professor of New Testament
Professor of New Testament
Director, Master of Divinity program
Associate Professor of Christian Apologetics
Associate Professor of Theology
Associate Professor of Theology
Asst Professor, MFT/ISF/CTI
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
Professor of Theology
Associate Professor and Co-Chair, Department of Theology
Associate Professor of New Testament
Director of Clinical Training
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
Associate Professor and Co-Chair, Department of Theology
Senior Advisor to the President for University Mission
Director, Talbot Kyiv Extension
Associate Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership
Professor of Christian Apologetics
Associate Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership
Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies
Dean, Talbot School of Theology
Associate Professor of Spiritual Theology
Director, Spiritual Formation Core Program
Associate Professor and Chair of Old Testament
Director, Pastoral Care and Counseling program
Professor and Chair of Old Testament and Semitics
Professor and Chair of New Testament
Associate Professor of Theology
Krista Ashlock
Administrative Assistant
Assistant Director, Institute for Spiritual Formation
Ellen Balzun
Administrative Assistant
Assistant Director, Talbot en Espanol
Assistant Director of Doctoral Programs
Cortnie Johnson
Administrative Coordinator, Dean's Office
Laura Kakihara
Administrative Assistant, Dean's office
Academic Coordinator of Doctoral Programs
Laurissa Kuch
Academic Coordinator
Karen Leon
Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean
Assistant Professor of Leadership and Ethics
Katie Nakamura
Executive Assistant to the Dean & Office Manager
Racheal Ndei
DSO New York
Programs Administrator for Faculty Development, Online Education & Strategic Partnerships
Reesey Rea
Academic Coordinator, Christian Ministry and Leadership
Ministry and Networking Lead
Analicia Simar
Academic Coordinator, MFT
Dominic Vincent
Director of Extensions and Online Education
Lena You
Program Administrator, Biblical & Theological Studies
Affiliate Professor of New Testament
Professor at Large, Department of Philosophy
Global Affiliate Professor of Educational Studies
Distinguished Affiliate Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership
Affiliate Professor of New Testament
Affiliate Professor of Spiritual Formation and Theology
Professor Emeritus of Christian Ministry and Leadership
Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Theological Studies
Professor Emeritus of Christian Education
Professor Emeritus of Preaching and Leadership
Professor Emeritus of Old Testament and Semitics
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Professor Emeritus of New Testament
Professor Emeritus of Systematic and Historical Theology
Adjunct, School of Education, Adjunct, New Testament
Professor Emeritus of Educational Studies and Theology
Professor Emeritus of Christian Ministry and Leadership
Professor Emeritus of Christian Ministries
Professor Emeritus of Christian Education
Professor Emeritus of New Testament
Professor Emeritus of Christian Ministry and Leadership
Professor Emeritus of Old Testament
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of New Testament Language and Literature