DepartmentTalbot School of Theology
Biola AffiliationsFaculty
Phone(562) 903-4814 (Talbot School of Theology)



  • Ed.D., University of Maine
  • M.A.C.E., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • B.S., Houghton College


Kevin Lawson cares deeply about strengthening the educational ministry of churches. For 11 years, he served on church staffs as a minister of Christian education. He holds degrees in Christian education, biblical studies and educational administration, and carries out research on local church educational ministry, church staff issues, theological and historical foundations of Christian education, children’s spiritual formation, and other related topics. Lawson teaches on the historical foundations of Christian education, leadership issues and educational research methods, and does ministry consultation. His recent publications include: Thriving as a Single Person in Ministry (co-authored with Jane Carr); Supervising and Supporting Ministry Staff: A Guide to Thriving Together (co-authored with Mick Boersma, 2017); Associate Staff Ministry: Thriving Personally, Professionally, and Relationally (co-authored with Mick Boersma, 2014); Infants and Children in the Church: Five Views on Theology and Ministry (co-edited with Adam Harwood, 2017), Understanding Children's Spirituality: Theology, Research, and Practice (editor, 2012) and has contributed chapters to Shaped by God: Twelve Essentials for Nurturing Faith in Children, Youth, and Adults (2010), Introducing Christian Education and Formation (2008), Nurturing Child and Adolescent Spirituality: Perspectives from the World's Religious Traditions (2006), Children's Spirituality: Christian Perspectives, Research, and Applications (2004), and multiple entries in the Encyclopedia of Christian Education (2015). His research and writing has been published in several periodicals, including Christian Education Journal, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Religious Education, Journal of Youth Ministry, Growing Churches, The Journal for Case Teaching and two international journals. He served as editor of the Christian Education Journal from 2003 until 2021, and “Christian Educators of the 20th Century Project.” He chaired the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities’ Council for Collaboration in Doctoral Education from 2016 through 2022 and works with the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education on issues of doctoral education development. He semi-retired from full-time teaching at Talbot in 2021, moving with his wife, Patty, to Maine, but continues to teach one course a semester in the PhD and EdD programs and supervise dissertation students in their research.


  • Evangelical Theological Society
  • Society of Professors in Christian Education
  • CCCU Council for Collaboration in Doctoral Education
  • ICETE Doctoral Initiative Steering Committee



  • “The Academy and the Church: Rebuilding a Healthy Relationship” Christian Education Journal, Vol. 20, (forthcoming)
  • “Honoring Four Late-Twentieth Century Christian Education Leaders: Christian Educators of the 20th Century Project” Christian Education Journal, Series 3, Vol. 15, No. 2
  • “Light from the Dark Ages: Lessons in Faith Formation from Before the Reformation” Christian Education Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2017
  • “Eschatological Foundations of Christian Education: How Our Beliefs about Christ’s return Impact Our Educational Ministry Efforts” Co-author, Christian Education Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2015.
  • "Encyclopedias and Dictionaries of Christian Education: Reflections on 100 Years of Reference Works in the Field” Christian Education Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2015.
  • “More than Silent Preaching: Didactic Use of Wall Painting in the Middle Ages” Christian Education Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2014.
  • “Learning the Faith in England in the Later Middle Ages: Contributions of the Franciscan Friars." Religious Education, Vol. 107, No. 2, Spring 2012.
  • “A Proposal for 'Right-Handed' Christian Education" Theological Review, (Near East School of Theology, Beirut, Lebanon), Spring, 2010.
  • “Leading Ministry Teams, Part I: Theological Reflection on Ministry Teams", Co-author, Christian Education Journal, Fall 2009.
  • “Leading Ministry Teams, Part II: Research on Effective Teams with Implications for Ministry Leadership", Co-author, Christian Education Journal, Fall 2009.

Books, Volumes, Chapters

  • Thriving as a Single Person in Ministry. Co-authored with Jane Carr (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021)
  • Infants and Children in the Church: Five Views on Theology and Ministry. Co-edited with Adam Harwood. (Broadman & Holman, 2017)
  • Supervising and Supporting Ministry Staff: A Guide to Thriving Together. Co-authored with Mick Boersma. (Rowan & Littlefield, 2017)
  • Handbook for Supervisors of Doctoral Students in Evangelical Theological Institutions, co-author, Ian Shaw, (Langham Global Library, 2015)
  • Fulfilling an Ongoing Commission: The Historical Roots of Contemporary Educational Ministry, in Freddy Cardoza's (Ed.), Christian Education: Twenty-first Century Ministry, Baker Books, Forthcoming.
  • Children Learning the Faith in the Middle Ages: Learning from Past Practices for Present Ministry, in La Verne Tolbert's (Ed.), Exploring and Engaging Spirituality for Today's Children: A Holistic Approach. Wipf & Stock, 2014.
  • Associate Staff Ministry: Thriving Personally, Professionally, and Relationally. Co-author with Mick Boersma, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
  • Understanding Children's Spirituality: Theology, Research, and Practice. (Co-editor). Wipf & Stock. 2012.
  • Christian Education Journal, Editor, Editorials. 2003 - Present.
  • Growing in Wisdom and Stature: Recent Research on Spirituality and Faith Formation, in Robert Keeley's Shaped by God: Twelve Essentials for Nurturing Faith in Children, Youth, and Adults, Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2010.


Areas of Expertise for Media Interviews

  • Christian Education
  • Discipleship
  • Ministry
  • Para-church (faith- Based Organizations)
  • Social Science Research
  • Teaching
  • Volunteers
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