- Phone
(562) 903-4881 - Location
Student Union Building (Lower Level)
Office Hours
8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. (Monday–Thursday)
8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. (Friday)
Published by this Department
- Visit our SMU blog, a platform for extended voices, narratives, perspectives, and experiences of God's Kingdom work, both locally and globally.
Student Missionary Union
Who We Are
The Student Missionary Union (SMU) is the largest student-led missions organization in the United States. We currently maintain a staff of 30 students as well as hundreds of student volunteers. Since 1923, SMU has grown from a small group of students passionate about missions to an organization that aims to be a resource for Biola undergraduate students to participate in the Great Commission.
What We Do
Our ministry focuses in three primary areas: Biola, our City, and the Nations. Students from every background and skillset can live out the Great Commission in their lives through our Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria projects, Missions Conference, global short-term trips, and many other opportunities.
SMU desires to engage in the conversation of racial reconciliation and diversity inclusion as an integral part of motivating and mobilizing the student body, for we are all Image Bearers of God.
Why We Do It
SMU exists to motivate and mobilize students to align their lives towards the completion of the Great Commission. Our desire is to consistently raise up generations of student leaders who passionately and obediently serve Jesus throughout their lives. God alone deserves the worship of all nations and all peoples and it is to that end that we labor.
SMU’s Core Values
SMU strives to collaborate with Biola administration, on campus ministries and student groups, churches, and international missions organizations to further the completion of the Great Completion.
SMU seeks to validate the role of all believers in the completion of the Great Commissions.
SMU seeks to impart passion, direction, and wisdom onto future generations of Biola students to most effectively further the completion of the Great Commission.
Transformational Education
SMU seeks to provide training, knowledge, and experience to students as to transform the way they view the world and God’s redemptive plan for mankind.
Gospel Proclamation
In all things, SMU seeks to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.