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Office Hours

  • Regular Hours
    8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Monday-Friday)

Academic Programs

Bachelor's Degrees


The mission of the Department of Biological Sciences and Chemistry is to provide an academically stimulating and challenging environment for intellectual and spiritual growth, preparing students to pursue careers in scientific research, industry, academia and health care.

Green Chemistry Commitment

Our program has signed the "Green Chemistry Commitment" sponsored by Beyond Benign.

Green Chemistry is defined as “the design of chemical products and processes that reduce and/or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances”.

By signing, we pledge to implement the following green chemistry student learning objectives:

  • Theory: Have a working knowledge of the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry.
  • Toxicology: Have an understanding of the principles of toxicology, the molecular mechanisms of how chemicals affect human health and the environment, and the resources to identify and assess molecular hazards.
  • Laboratory Skills: Possess the ability to assess chemical products and processes and design greener alternatives when appropriate.
  • Application: Be prepared to serve society in their professional capacity as scientists and professionals through the articulation, evaluation and employment of methods and chemicals that are benign for human health and the environment.
We are committed to the principles of green chemistry in the classroom, in the teaching and research labs, and in lab organization and operation.

We do this as stewards of the earth, for, “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.” (Psalm 24:1).

Department Events

Molecular Biology Summer Camp

10th - 12th Grade Students

July 15-26, 2024

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Department Members

Associate Dean of Science
Program Chair of Biological Sciences
Director, Office of Health Professions Advising
Director of Occupational Therapy Program
Co-Director, Stewart Science Honors Program
Co-Director, Stewart Science Honors Program

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