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  • Regular Hours
    Monday — Thursday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
    Friday, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
    Saturday & Sunday — Closed

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Welcome to the Biola Student Government Association!

What is SGA?

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a group of undergraduate students elected by the student population to be responsible for governing student interests, advocating for student concerns, providing support and recognition for recognized student organizations, and serving students by hosting activities and events that enhance student life.

Vision — Where are we going?

We see a student government committed to the betterment of the student experience, working with and for the students. Serving the community rooted in Purpose, driven by Passion, and dedicated to specific, measurable and realistic Progress in the present.

Purpose: Why do we do it?

The purpose of SGA is to serve the student body, promote their interests and welfare, ensure understanding throughout the Biola community, and foster a Christ-centered community.

“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

—1 Peter 1:13–16

Our Values:

  • FAITHFULNESS - We desire to embody the dynamic interplay of Biblical truth, wisdom, and Christian faith as the foundation for professional and spiritual growth in Student government. We want to prayerfully think, listen, lead, and serve our fellow students.

  • LEARNING - We want to be attentive to student needs and listen to the passions of our community in order to grow in knowledge together. We aspire to be a culture of reflection and curiosity that informs scholarship, character development, and practice.

  • EXCELLENCE - We strive to create quality and distinction in what we say and do for what’s in the best interest of the student body at Biola University. We want to care for student resources with integrity. We aim to make our information accessible so all students can participate in the democratic process of student government

  • INNOVATION - We seek to be analytical, quantitative, efficient, creative, and collaborative in discovering new and alternate ways of knowing and practicing true servant-leadership.

  • INCLUSIVITY - We desire to be a Christ-Centered and unified community that equally values, engages, and promotes all student stories, voices, and experiences. Our aim is to continually contribute to having all students feel a sense of belonging by ensuring inclusion, equity, and diversity.

  • INTENTIONALITY - We value intentionality and meaningful action, engagement, growth, and process. We desire to continually foster a meaningful connection between our organization, the students, and the administration. We desire to be committed to service in word and action.

What do we do?

These are some of the things we do:

  • Help fund student initiatives via proposals, club funding etc
  • Partner with different levels of Biola Admin to be the voice of the students
    • SGA members are represented in upper admin wings such as the President’s Office, President's Administrative Council, BOT etc. We also have partnerships with student-facing administrators such as Housing & ResLife, Auxiliary Services, Bon Appetite etc. Click this to view a list of all our administrative partnerships!

Here are some things SGA has initiated or contributed to in the past:

  • Increased graduation tickets to 10/student
  • New water bottle fountains across campus
  • Hammock Poles installed across campus
  • Allocation of space + Funding for the Veterans Center in the SUB
  • Directed more funding for Commuter Life, Global Student Engagement, SEID
  • Biola Shares was born in SGA as SGA Cares
  • OCE was born in SGA as SPA division

These are most recent initiatives:

  • Fitness Center + SUB Renovations
  • Inaugural Spring Formal
  • Having Open Hours on “Thurs - Sun” 2pm - 11pm
  • Skateboarding on Campus


We, the students of Biola University, in order to promote the interests and welfare of the students, to rest our power in chosen representatives, to provide for the development of each individual within the Body of Christ, to encourage community and student involvement, to promote resources for spiritual growth, to provide a voice for the student body, to ensure the pursuit of academic excellence and intellectual growth, do ordain and hereby establish this Constitution.

View the SGA Constitution

How to Get Involved

Even if you are not interested in joining SGA, we would love to have you involved in our work. We need a relationship with you to do our job! Here are five ways you can get involved:

  • Attend a Senate Meeting. We meet in the SGA Conference Room (Upper SUB) on Thursdays 4:30–7:30 p.m. Please email our Senior VP at so we provide you with seating!

  • Follow Us on Instagram. Our social media is your go-to for all updates, information on upcoming votes and fun opportunities to engage with the SGA Team.

  • Create a proposal: Check out the proposals page for more information.

  • Read About Our Projects: The Chimes does a weekly recap of all senate meetings. Our instagram has info on all our events. Each senator does a weekly newsletter, sharing their projects and senate news. Visit SGA hour at any of our Res Halls to ask your senator about the latest SGA projects.

  • Join the SGA Academy: You can intern or shadow any of our members and learn a lot about how SGA serves Biola. Fill out our interest form and an SGA representative will be in touch with you.

  • Meet your Senator. Your senator (who you can find in “Meet Us”) would always love to keep you informed over email or in-person at an SGA Hour. SGA Hour is Sunday Night at 9 p.m. in the dorms, and in the SGA office on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12-1pm for the Commuter Senators.

Department Members

Sunroot Liu
Sunroot Liu
Director, Campus Engagement