Our Mission
The Office of Academic Research and Grants (OARG) exists to help serve faculty in facilitating their academic research interests with both guidance and administrative support throughout all stages of grant development to management.
View Quick Grant Guidelines (PDF)
Library Grant Resources
This research guide curates resources, especially for faculty research grants. The Biola Library helps faculty before, during, and after their research projects. Special databases enable faculty to discover funding sources as well as publications in their subject area. The Biola Digital Commons expands the impact of scholarly materials through archiving material outside of a paywall as allowed by most journal publishers’ Green Open Access policies. The Scholarly Communications Librarian is available to assist faculty in using these tools throughout the entire research lifecycle.
View Faculty Research Grant Guide
Additional Resources
Research Match

This free, secure registry was developed by major academic institutions across the country that want to involve you in their mission to advance research and find solutions that improve health for everyone. ResearchMatch brings together two groups of people who are looking for one another: (1) people who are trying to find research studies, and (2) researchers who are looking for people to participate in their studies. You may conduct clinical and translational research with health-related outcomes, but recruiting for another registry is not allowed on this platform.
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