Karen Fisher

Evangelist/Assistant to the Director at Ministry to Muslims
M.A. — Christian Apologetics '21
Know what you believe and why you believe it. The MACA program at Biola will help you accomplish this so that you can give to others “the reason for the hope you have” in Christ.
How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?
I engage in evangelism regularly. My studies at Biola prepared me to speak intelligently to various belief systems that are hostile to the Christian Gospel. I keep a blog of some of my evangelism experiences at evangelism4chickens.com and I also work for and travel an organization whose goal is to reach Muslims with the Gospel, ministrytomuslims.com. Currently I host a livestream Sunday nights at 4 p.m. and have international guest speakers including Jay Smith, Anthony Rogers and Hatun Tash who are all at the forefront of bringing the Gospel to Muslims and confronting the integrity of Islam.
What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?
Professor Kevin Lewis for his clear presentation of Essential Christian Doctrine and Biblical Demonology and the Occult, as well as his wealth of information on Cults of America. Professor Clay Jones taught me how to write research papers for which I am most grateful.
How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?
Biblical hermeneutics was instrumental in my deeper understanding of the meaning of the Bible and I learned a great deal in Dr. Naidu’s Patristic Fathers class; how the Bible was compiled and canonized and the changes the Reformation brought to the church. This deepened my appreciation for Christians who have gone before me and gave their lives to bring the true Gospel undefiled to their communities, no matter the personal cost to themselves.
What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?
Know what you believe and why you believe it. The MACA program at Biola will help you accomplish this so that you can give to others “the reason for the hope you have” in Christ.