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Jason Gonzalez

Sports Reports, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Journalism and Integrated Media, B.A. '07

... Biola helped equip me to be a light in my industry and in all that I do.

How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?

My degree in print journalism helped equip me with the necessary tools to make an immediate impact in my industry. Biola also taught me the importance of being a light and example of Jesus’ love in your industry, no matter what your role may be.

What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?

My involvement with The Chimes gave me the opportunity to sharpen my skills as a journalist and prepare for life after college. I also very much appreciated the faculty’s commitment to helping each student succeed in the classroom and grow in their faith.

How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?

I often share that Biola helped equip me to be a light in my industry and in all that I do. The university’s commitment to a biblically centered education helped me mature in my faith and to this day reminds me of our calling to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?

Your first day on campus, walk to The Chimes and ask how you can get involved. Your involvement with the student newspaper will help put into practice what you learn in the classroom. It will also help prepare you for internships and provide a group of friends that will help you grow in your craft.