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Janice Lee

Spiritual Director / Church-Planter / Full-Time Mom

Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, M.A. '18

Biola offers amazing resources — from prayer projects, conferences, the counseling department, spiritual direction, to free online teachings and talks. Wherever I am in my spiritual journey, there is a resource I can turn to offered by Biola that is helpful.

How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?

First and foremost, the Spiritual Formation and Soul Care program helped me to become more self-aware and honest in my relationship with God. It gave language to the inner workings that God had already been doing in me, provided a safe community of believers willing to go deeper in their spiritual journeys, and equipped me as a counselor and ministry leader to walk with others in compassion and biblical knowledge. It was a dynamic and formative program that wasn't merely knowledge and skill based, but helped me hold the tension between my character and knowledge of where God was leading to grow. Our professors always emphasized, you cannot lead another person where you haven't been yourself. This program offers a comprehensive study on character formation and growth through its curriculum, required silent retreats and cohort communities, therapy and spiritual direction. All of these combined helped me to grow exponentially as a Christian and a lay leader.

What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?

I appreciated the professors — they are professional, intelligent and highly competent, while holding great compassion and encouragement towards their students. They modeled for the students what walking and talking about spiritual formation looks like in their own lives. The campus itself is beautiful and a safe haven, but truly the professors and community that I met through the program were the greatest gifts.

How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?

Biola offers amazing resources — from prayer projects, conferences, the counseling department, spiritual direction, to free online teachings and talks. Wherever I am in my spiritual journey, there is a resource I can turn to offered by Biola that is helpful.

What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?

Take it. This program will give you the foundations of how to walk your spiritual journey whether you decide to go into full time ministry or not. The professors are great teachers, especially John Coe who carries a brilliant mix of humor, intelligence, humility and life experience. The program isn't just about the degree and material itself, but about the professors and the cohort you will be a part of.