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Jacob Ravenscraft

Director of University Ministries

Biblical and Theological Studies, B.A. '10

... It was the integration of a biblical worldview with day-to-day life that had the most profound impact. It is easy to teach information, to teach theology, exegesis, although they it can be a very technical task; it is much harder to model life after these teachings.

How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?

The Biblical and Theological Studies B.A. offered amazing teaching in their respective fields. Personally, it was the integration of a biblical worldview with day-to-day life that had the most profound impact. It is easy to teach information, to teach theology, exegesis, although they it can be a very technical task; it is much harder to model life after these teachings. Finding myself in so many of the homes of my professors, watching them do life, love their spouses, care for their families, and enter into hard conversations and decisions based on the gospel, was what led to my transformative experience.

What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?

Committed and disciplined to the authority of Scripture, a biblical worldview, gospel-centered teaching, and a high value and commitment to relational growth. It is difficult to determine what I appreciated most, because I genuinely had a phenomenal experience at Biola: my degree, my living areas (Horton 3rd South), my community, chapel, mentors, playing soccer, everything.

How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?

I learned that following Jesus meant surrendering my will and accepting his forgiveness. What I would suggest are the two big issues most 'American Christians' have to wrestle with: the lordship issue and the grace issue.

What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?

Schedule office hours with the professors! Be intentional, seek them out, ask advice, give them permission to speak into your life and ask hard questions!


I love Biola. I am a huge advocate for this University. I miss it dearly!