Brittany Eaton

History Teacher
History (U.S. History), B.A. '11
I chose to go to Biola for the community and how small the class sizes are. The fact that I graduated 7 years ago and I am still in contact with Professor Dewey, Professor Rood and Professor Christensen shows how much of an interest and mentorship the professors at Biola put toward their students. I liked that I was not just another number and that they came along side of me throughout my four years there. I appreciated the faith integration in each class as well.
- B.A. History, Biola University
Career Highlights
- Won 2015 Teacher of the Year, Fountain Valley High School
- Mock Trial Advisor, Brea Olinda High School
- Model United Nations (MUN) Advisor, Brea Olinda High School
- Junior State of America (JSA) Advisor, Brea Olinda High School
- Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society, Biola University
How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?
Majoring in history prepared me for my single subject credential program in history at the University of Redlands. It taught me how to write academically and I learned to love to read as well. Also, Biola prepared me for my Masters in History program that I am currently in at Long Beach State.
What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?
I chose to go to Biola for the community and how small the class sizes are. The fact that I graduate seven years ago and I am still in contact with professor Dewey, professor Rood and professor Christensen shows how much of an interest and mentorship the professors at Biola put toward their students. I liked that I was not just another number and that they came along side of me throughout my four years there. I appreciated the faith integration in each class as well. I also did the Biola London Program in Fall of 2010 and that was my most favorite season of all my four years at Biola. It was an experience that I will never get to repeat again and I will cherish that study abroad experience for the rest of my life. I grew so much as a person and student in those five months overseas.
How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?
I have been a follower of Christ since I was young but it was great to be surrounded by a community that shared my beliefs. Everyone was nice, respectful and I made lasting relationships with people that I am still in community with today. I feel like a leader in my current church and I believe Biola helped me be prepared a confident for that.
What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?
History is the best! There are more career opportunities than just "teaching" with a masters in history. You can get into politics, work on campaigns, curate at museums or for companies, become a lawyer, or explore higher education opportunities. In a world that values math and science degrees more than the humanities, we need a new generation to come through to put the value back into the arts and celebrate people who can critically think. Without historians, teachers, researchers, curators, professors, lawyers, etc., this world would not be where it is today.