Faculty | Master of Arts (Philosophy)
As a Talbot School of Theology student, you’ll study under top-notch scholars who aren’t just widely published and highly respected in the academic community — they’re also actively engaged in passionate, heartfelt ministry. In addition to the following faculty members who will teach many of your concentration-specific courses, you will also have the opportunity to take courses with a wide range of Talbot professors from other areas of specialization.
William Lane Craig
- Emeritus Research Professor
- D.Theol., Ludwig-Maximilliéns-Universität München, Germany
- Ph.D., University of Birmingham England
- M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- B.A., Wheaton College
William Lane Craig is a visiting scholar in philosophy at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, Calif. He lives in Atlanta, Ga., with his wife Jan and their two teenage children Charity and John. At age 16, while a junior in high school, he first heard the message of the Christian gospel and yielded his life to Christ. Craig pursued his undergraduate studies at Wheaton College (B.A. 1971),...
Research Interests
- Natural theology
- Coherence of the doctrine of God
- Philosophy of time
- Science and religion
- Historical Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus
Scott Rae
- Senior Advisor to the President for University Mission
- Dean of the Faculty, Talbot School of Theology
- Professor of Philosophy and Christian Ethics
- Post-Graduate Study, American Institute for Holy Land Studies (Jerusalem)
- Ph.D., University of Southern California
- M.A., University of Southern California
- Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary
- B.A., Southern Methodist University
Scott Rae's primary interests are medical ethics and business ethics, dealing with the application of Christian ethics to medicine and the marketplace. He has authored 10 books in ethics including The Ethics of Commercial Surrogate Motherhood; Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics; Brave New Families: Biblical Ethics and Reproductive Technologies; Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian Approach...
Research Interests
- Business Ethics
- Calling/Vocation in the workplace
- Bioethics
- Biotechnology ethics
Timothy Pickavance
- Professor, Department of Philosophy
- Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
- M.A., Biola University
- B.S., University of North Texas
Timothy Pickavance is broadly interested in the core areas of analytic philosophy, though he specializes in metaphysics. After completing his M.A. in Philosophy here at Talbot, he found himself in Austin at the University of Texas, where he earned his Ph.D. in 2008. He is thrilled to be a part of Biola and Talbot, contributing to the development of Christian philosophers who want to impact our...
- Epistemology I (TTPH544)
- Epistemology II: Contextualism (TTPH545)
- Epistemology II: Religious Pluralism (TTPH545)
- Symbolic Logic (TTPH735)
- Metaphysics I (TTPH523)
- Metaphysics II: Modal Metaphysics (TTPH524)
- Philosophy of Religion (TTPH684)
- Apologetics (TTPH602)
- Metaphysics & Epistemology (CSAP680/CSSR540)
- Psychology & Christian Thought (PSYC206, with Liz Hall; undergraduate course)
Greg Ganssle
- Professor of Philosophy
- Ph.D., Syracuse University
- M.A., University of Rhode Island
- B.S., University of Maryland
Greg Ganssle has been thinking about the intersection of Christian faith and contemporary scholarship for over thirty years. He began as an undergraduate by skipping his classes and reading C.S. Lewis. After graduating from the University of Maryland in 1978, he worked in campus ministry on a variety of campuses. Hundreds of conversations with students from a wide variety of religious and...
David Horner
- Professor of Theology and Philosophy
- Division of Biblical and Theological Studies
- D.Phil., Oxford University
- M.Phil., Oxford University
- M.A., Denver Seminary
- B.A., Colorado State University
David Horner has taught at the University of Oxford, Denver Seminary, and served as a Visiting Scholar and Research Associate in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Colorado. He has lectured in numerous classrooms and university forums nationally and in Europe, and he has written numerous articles and book chapters on ethics, metaethics, apologetics, and ancient and medieval...
Research Interests
- Ethics
- Medieval philosophy
- Theology of worship