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Faculty and Staff

Associate Professor of Psychology
Executive Director, Mental Health & the Church Initiative
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Internship Supervisor and Staff Psychologist
Director, Online Psychology Program
Professor of Psychology
Associate Professor of Psychology
Rachel Butag
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Doctoral Programs and the Director of Clinical Training
Associate Professor of Psychology
Director of Clinical Training
Associate Dean
Professor of Psychology
Director of Research
Staff Psychologist
Amanda Fierro
Program Administrator, Mental Health & the Church Initiative
Internship Training Director
Director, Center for Marriage and Relationships
Professor of Psychology
Professor of Psychology
Chair, Undergraduate Psychology
Administrative Assistant to the Undergraduate Chair and the Director of Online Psychology
Associate Professor of Theology
Quiana Oates
Program Administrator, Online BS Psychology Program
Melrose Oden
Office Manager, Executive Assistant to the Dean
Associate Professor of Psychology
Everlyn Rhee
Administrative Assistant, Doctoral Programs
Staff Psychologist
Associate Professor of Psychology
Desiree Silva
Executive Assistant, Rosemead School of Psychology & Provost's Office
Staff Psychologist
Professor of Psychology
Acting Director, Biola Counseling Center
Senior Director of Operations, Mental Health & the Church Initiative
Assistant Professor of Theology; Dean, Student Wellness