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Research and Resources

Psychology is a field for the intellectually curious — those of us who realize there’s always more to explore and study about human behavior. At Rosemead, we’re constantly conducting scientific, ethical, innovative research, uncovering knowledge to help understand humanity better. Here are just some of the outlets our faculty and students have for conducting, publishing and promoting psychological research.

Faculty Research Interests

Dr. Tania Abouezzeddine

  • Children with Cognitive Disabilities
  • Immigration/Refugees
  • Multicultural
  • Neuropsychology
  • Trauma

Learn more about Dr. Abouezzeddine

Dr. Chris Adams

  • Clergy and Missionary Candidate Psychological Evaluations
  • Clergy Care, Health and Wellbeing
  • Clergy Spouse Wellbeing
  • Mental Health and the Church

Learn more about Dr. Adams

Dr. Oscar Baldelomar

  • Adolescent Development
  • Culture and Social Development
  • Identity Development
  • Latino Psychology
  • Minority Youth

Learn more about Dr. Baldelomar

Dr. Earl Bland

  • Psychoanalysis
  • Religiosity/Spirituality
  • Therapy

Learn more about Dr. Bland

Dr. Eu Gene Chin

  • Access to Care
  • Help-Seeking Trajectory
  • Measurement Development
  • Trauma/Burnout

Learn more about Dr. Chin

Dr. Nancy Crawford

  • Missionaries, MKs, TCKs

Learn more about Dr. Crawford

Dr. Carissa Dwiwardani

  • Asian American Mental Health
  • Cultural Humility
  • Positive Psychology

Learn more about Dr. Dwiwardani

Dr. Doug Daugherty

  • Mental Health and the Church

Learn more about Dr. Daugherty

Dr. Joseph De Luna

  • Children/Families
  • Parenting
  • Play Therapy
  • Trauma

Learn more about Dr. De Luna

Dr. Stacy Eltiti

  • Anxiety
  • Attention
  • Gratitude
  • Missionaries, MKs, TCKs
  • Social Media
  • Trauma

Learn more about Dr. Eltiti

Dr. Liz Hall

  • Women's Issues
  • Christian Meaning-Making in Suffering
  • Positive Psychology

Learn more about Dr. Hall

Dr. Todd Hall

  • Attachment
  • Leadership
  • Organizational Culture
  • Positive Psychology
  • Religiosity/Spirituality
  • Workplace Issues

Learn more about Dr. Hall

Dr. Christina Kim

  • Asian-American Mental Health
  • Ethnic Minority Churches and Mental Health
  • Minority/Understudied Populations
  • Qualitative Research Methods

Learn more about Dr. Kim

Dr. Jason McMartin

  • Emotion and Knowledge
  • Flourishing
  • Meaning-Making
  • Mental Health and the Church
  • Positive Psychology
  • Suffering

Learn more about Dr. McMartin

Dr. John Poston

  • Attachment
  • God Image
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Testing Issues
  • Therapy

Learn more about Dr. Poston

Dr. Andrew Shelton

  • Cultural Models of Relating
  • Culturally Relevant Positive Processes
  • Mental Health Among Global Workers

Learn more about Dr. Shelton

Dr. John Williams

  • Attention
  • Emotion
  • Implicit Measures
  • Positive Psychology
  • Social Media Use and Addiction

Learn more about Dr. Williams

Research Labs

At Rosemead, our commitment is to mentor and support students throughout their research journey. A crucial element of this commitment involves the establishment of research labs, where graduate students regularly convene with faculty mentors who assume the role of chair for their M.A. project or dissertation committee. These lab groups are organized based on specific topics, reflecting our diverse range of research interests.


Dr. Eu Gene Chin and Carissa Dwiwardani

This lab focuses on the interactions between cultural factors and mental health variables. Studies in the lab include both basic and applied research to improve accessibility to mental health services among communities of color.

Dr. Oscar Baldelomar

This lab focuses on how culture and social change impact identity development, social cognition, parental relationships, and mental health outcomes in children, adolescents, and emerging adults. The emphasis is on studying diverse populations like ethnic minorities, third-culture kids, and indigenous youth.

Dr. Chris Adams

The Mental Health and the Church research lab focuses broadly on reducing mental health stigma and creating resources for congregations from diverse backgrounds, clergy and missionary well-being, and congregational/organizational health. The lab meets weekly and there are grant-funded RA positions available.

Dr. Todd Hall and John Poston

This lab focuses on understanding relationships with God and other people through various psychodynamic lenses. Projects commonly utilize concepts from attachment theory, as well as other psychodynamic perspectives, to help illuminate the nuanced ways we experience and grow in these important relationships. Examples of constructs/topics examined in recent projects include: narrative coherence, mentalization, attachment to God, God image, AEDP and Union with Christ, attachment to church, coach-athlete attachment, embodied religious cognition, and grounded themes of older emerging adult spirituality. The lab generally utilizes quantitative methodologies, but we have also supervised theoretical syntheses and projects using grounded theory.

Dr. Stacy Eltiti and John Williams

The Social Media Addiction Research Team (SMART) examines, using explicit and implicit measures, various psychological factors, such as personality traits, fear of missing out, impulsivity, etc., that increase one’s propensity to become addicted to social media, as well as the efficacy of interventions aimed at reducing social media addiction.

Dr. Liz Hall and Tammy Anderson

This lab, which has been meeting for 25 years, studies various psychological topics that are of particular concern to women. Past topics have included motherhood ideology, mental labor of mothers, work-family balance, benevolent sexism in Christian settings, gender equity, gender harassment, embodiment and body image, purity culture, and women's sexuality.

Mental Health and the Church Scholarship

The Mental Health and the Church Scholarship is intended to assist Rosemead graduate students who are enrolled in one of the doctoral programs in clinical psychology in the completion of dissertation research involving mental health issues and the church. Particularly research that addresses such areas as clergy well-being, mental health awareness and stigma reduction, mental health issues and the diverse church, innovative mental health programs and supports in the context of the local church, collaborations involving clergy and mental health practitioners, and other related scholarly projects.

William F. Hunter Dissertation Prize

The William F. Hunter Dissertation Prize is intended to assist graduate students enrolled in the doctoral program in clinical psychology at Rosemead School of Psychology in completing dissertation research involving the integration of psychology and the Christian faith.

Additional Resources

  • Journal of Psychology and Theology: Rosemead has published the Journal of Psychology and Theology, an evangelical forum for the integration of theology and psychology since 1973. Its purpose is to communicate recent scholarly thinking on the interrelationships of psychological and theological concepts and to consider the application of these concepts to a variety of professional settings.
  • Journal of Psychology and Christianity: The Journal of Psychology and Christianity (JPC) is the official peer-reviewed journal for the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) and has been published since 1982. Several of our faculty are on the editorial board and regularly publish in this journal.