Registered Nurse / Advanced Practice Nurse
Biola offers an excellent educational foundation and individualized advising/preparation for any student interested in becoming a nurse. Whether your long-term goal is to work at a hospital or serve at an outpatient primary care clinic, or become a nurse educator, Biola offers a comprehensive nursing program to prepare you for your next steps.
Recommended Majors
Incoming freshmen may apply for entry as public health majors with global concentration. Secondary application is required for admission into the clinical nursing program at the completion of nursing curriculum prerequisites and core curriculum requirements.

Many exceptional registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice nurses working in healthcare today are proud to have received their BSN education from Biola’s respected nursing program. The Biola University Department of Nursing prepares graduates to enter professional nursing with an earned Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. The Biola nurse is prepared to become an excellent nursing professional who integrates Christian caring into their nursing practice. With a solid liberal arts and science foundation, the Biola nurse is prepared for ministry through clinical practice in diverse acute and community settings, locally, nationally, and internationally. Clinical nursing specialties include medical/surgical, critical care, pediatrics, obstetrics, mental health and public health.
Reasons to Study Nursing at Biola
Be Prepared for Graduate Studies
In addition to readiness for the workforce, the Biola BSN nurse is also prepared for entry into graduate education. Biola graduates have gone on to various Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree programs, as well as Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and Ph.D. programs. These graduate programs further prepare nurses for advanced practice roles such as nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, clinical nurse leader, nurse administrator, certified nurse midwife, certified nurse anesthetist and nurse educator.Study at a Nationally Accredited Nursing Program
The Biola nursing program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing and nationally accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. Please explore for the admission criteria, additional information about the program, highlights of the new advanced patient simulator, and the new nursing program video.Gain Clinical Experience
For over 50 years, Biola University has created close partnerships with the local community, healthcare clinics, and various hospital settings to provide nursing students with robust, diverse, and comprehensive clinical experiences. With over 20 affiliations in acute care facilities around Southern California and a state-of-the-art simulation lab, the students are masterfully equipped with the necessary tools and skills to care for the holistic needs of their patients. Students are also given unique opportunities to engage in the community setting as they work towards their public health nursing certification. These various clinical opportunities are built into the program and include experiences with geriatric, homeless and pediatric populations. One particular community placement is in partnering with a local church. Students manage and organize a clinic that primarily serves the homeless population and provides basic health education, foot washing and general resources. Through this ministry, students are given the opportunity to practice their leadership and nursing skills by serving people without direct access to healthcare in Costa Mesa. Former students have also had opportunities to partner with international medical missionaries in Alaska, Rwanda, the Philippines and the UAE. Other specialty experiences in the program include critical care, women’s health, brain injury rehab, adult and pediatric emergency/intensive care departments, home health, youth centers, labor and delivery, mother/baby programs, long-term care facilities, and school nursing. Part of the Biola nursing experience also includes performing a community assessment, implementing a research project and receiving one-on-one leadership training with a local healthcare leader.
Biola-prepared nurses have a reputation for being flexible, compassionate and strong clinical nurses. Within the first semester of the clinical program, students perform hands-on care in clinical settings. Students will develop their skills over five semesters, working toward total patient care for five patients and being leaders in their field. The students will gain competency as generalist nurses who are prepared to enter any care setting with compassion, proficiency and confidence. Many graduates have continued onto specialty field training and further education. Biola nursing students continue to amaze with many going on to achieve the prestigious Daisy Award.Experience Community Support
The nursing department understands that the clinical experience can be a daunting, exciting, overwhelming and thrilling journey for students. In addition to the multiple resources available to all Biola University students, the nursing department provides additional support services to the students as they navigate their unique challenges. Students will be guided through the clinical program by the Clinical Affiliations Coordinator and their Clinical Supervisors. These roles will assist students in the various screening requirements, paperwork, training and skill oversight at each of their clinical placements. Biola University also has an active chapter of CNSA (California Nursing Student Association) which is completely student-led and offers support and networking opportunities. The leaders of CNSA offer mentoring opportunities for clinical students to help connect and encourage the pre-clinical nursing students. The association also designs their own chapel experiences tailored to nursing students. Another offering provided to Biola nursing students is the opportunity to be paired with and prayed for by former Biola nursing alumni. These resources, along with the dedicated and personable faculty, make Biola a place where students feel peace and belonging while being empowered to thrive and overcome any challenging journey.

Additional Career Info
To learn more about the range of careers within the scope of nursing, explore the “Nursing” tab at