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Courses | Ph.D. in Intercultural Education

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. For more program details, including graduation requirements and learning outcomes, visit Biola's academic catalog.

Note: This list is intended to give you a quick glimpse into the program's academic offerings, and should not be used as a guide for course selection or academic advising.

Foundational Courses in Intercultural Studies (13 Credits)

The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and processes of change, the place of change agents and the speed and intensity of change. Implications of such processes are examined in social, political, economic and religious aspects of society. Grade Mode: A.
This course introduces students to the nature, scope, and principal research methods of the graduate programs of intercultural studies at Biola University's Cook School of Intercultural Studies; including using the library, locating and evaluating relevant literature, and following the APA style guide. Grade Mode: A.
Equips students to design appropriate curricula for any and all educational settings. Students learn in particular to apply principles of instructional design to teaching and learning in intercultural contexts. Grade Mode: A.
This course examines theories and issues related to intercultural communication, including principles and processes of communicating from one culture to another, and it identifies strategies for effective interaction among members of different cultures. Grade Mode: A.
A review of literature that traces the spread and development of Christianity as a world movement, from Pentecost to the modern era. Special attention is given to the kind(s) of Christianity that spread; the process(es) by which it spread; the effect Christianity had on the socio-cultural/political environment(s); and the effect environment had on Christianity and its subsequent development. Grade Mode: A.
Cross-cultural study of leadership including diverse patterns of authority, legitimacy, public support, leadership recruitment, and training as they affect communication, church growth and development worldwide. Grade Mode: A.

Education Core Courses (12 Credits)

This course examines educational philosophies of global religious traditions with application to contemporary intercultural educational contexts. Consideration is given to the role of religion and knowledge in society. Grade Mode: A.
A variety of constructs that have in the past or are currently supportive of educational practice are explored with special attention given to their potential for application in crosscultural context. Grade Mode: A.
This course examines theories of learning and analyzes strategies for effective teaching in intercultural contexts. It is designed for those who already have a background in education. Grade Mode: A.
This course examines how culture shapes human growth and learning by comparing various human development theories across cultures. Particular focus is given to adult learning theory. Grade Mode: A.
This course explores educational theory and practice relative to teaching and learning among people from multiple cultures in a single setting, both in North America and other international contexts. Grade Mode: A.

Research Courses (6 Credits)

An introduction to qualitative inquiry with emphasis on data collection, analysis and validation methods for educational and missiological research.

This course explores qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design in the social sciences. It equips doctoral students to select and describe appropriate research methods and procedures for their doctoral dissertation.

Dissertation Writing (12 Credits)

Prepares students to undertake doctoral studies with the final dissertation already in view. Introduction to the dissertation process, including the selection and delimitation of a researchable dissertation topic, strategies in library research, mapping a literature review, rudimentary research design and issues of form and style with particular attention to proper attribution of sources. Grade Mode: A.
Enrolling in ISCL 890 for 0 to 6 credits constitutes full-time status. However, dissertation work constitutes full-time status only for a total of four semesters. Grade Mode: D.

This course facilitates the development and refinement of the doctoral dissertation proposal through preparation, presentation and critique of proposal drafts and examination and discussion of issues related to dissertation research.

Specialization Courses (9 Credits)

Note: A total of 9 credits must be taken in Education/ICS electives and/or through the ISCL 873 Tutorial course (ISCL 873 may be taken repeatedly for 3 credits per attempt to fulfill this requirement).

Bible/Theology Courses (9 Credits)

Note: Students may select Bible/Theology courses from a wide range of theological integration courses offered by qualified faculty within the Cook School of Intercultural Studies. Students with no formal biblical/theological training prior to entering the program must have their selections approved by the program director.

Dissertation Specialization (9 Credits)

Note: In consultation with their academic advisors, students are encouraged to complete tutorials* related to their dissertation topic or select elective courses from a broad range of expertise available within the university in support of his or her particular research interests.

*Tutorials are arranged courses completed under the advisement of a faculty member.

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