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Category: Biblical Exposition

  • Tom Finley — 

    This is the second post in a series on who wrote the book of Daniel. Read the first post, Who Wrote the Book of Daniel? (Part 1) and the third...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    Integrity is the essential distinctive for a follower of Christ. Our character defines, proclaims and demonstrates our faith in a holy God to all...

  • Carmen Imes — 

    I'm excited to introduce a set of resources from GlossaHouse publishers that make language learning a lot more fun: The Illustrated Hebrew Bible...

  • Kenneth Berding — 

    It has become increasingly popular in recent years for teachers of the Bible (myself included) to disparage people who apply Jeremiah 29:11-13 to...

  • Kenneth Berding — 

    Paul boldly and famously asserts: “the love of Christ controls us” (2 Cor. 5:14). But what does he mean by “the love of Christ”? If you’re willing...

  • Kenneth Berding — 

    When you read the Bible, how do you connect what you read to practical life? When you preach or teach from the Bible, how do you move from a...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    Últimamente he escuchado con bastante frecuencia a muchos líderes cristianos afirmar que la fe en Cristo es lo más importante de todo y que todo lo...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    La frase “Jesús es el Señor” puede considerarse como el fundamento principal del cristianismo. Estas palabras indican un reconocimiento sobre la...

  • Kenneth Berding — 

    When I reach for a book from my reference shelf, which books do I reach for most often? Apart from biblical commentaries, here is a list of the 20...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    This post stems from the Kern reading group on Faith, Work and Economics at Talbot, a small group comprised of Talbot and Crowell faculty that...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    El cántico de María conocido como el Magnificat es uno de los salmos de alabanza más bellos de las Sagradas Escrituras. Este cántico tiene una...

  • Gary Manning Jr — 

    When you are trying to make sense of a passage of Scripture – that is, a full scene or paragraph –you often need to decide between two competing...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    José, es el personaje olvidado de la navidad. Obviamente en la navidad celebramos el nacimiento de Jesús, el Cristo o Mesías, quien vino a este...

  • Amar a Dios y a las personas

    Love God and people

    Octavio Esqueda — 

    “¿Papi, me puedes enseñar la educación cristiana? ¡Quiero saber el doctorado en educación cristiana!” Estas fueron las palabras que mi hija de seis...

  • John McKinley — 

    Many Christians typically follow the model of directing prayer to “our Father” but switch to the term “God” for conversation and theologizing. Why...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    El término “evangelio” es muy importante ya que resume el mensaje central del cristianismo. Esta palabra tiene su origen en el griego εὐαγγέλιον [...

  • Kenneth Way — 

    Kenneth C. Way expands on some comments that were made in his recent commentary on Judges and Ruth.

  • Life of Jesus, Part Four

    Jesus Cast Out Demons

    Matthew Williams — 

    When we begin to talk about spiritual warfare, Christians either overemphasis it, or underemphasize it. It is important to have a balanced and...

  • Life of Jesus, Part Three

    The Temptation of Jesus

    Matthew Williams — 

    I remember asking my son after church one week what he had learning at church that day. His reply, “Jesus was tempted by ... that other guy.” I...

  • Life of Jesus, Part Two

    The Baptism of Jesus

    Matthew Williams — 

    The baptism of Jesus is easily misunderstood. We often understand this important event as Jesus simply going into the Jordan River and being...

  • Markus Zehnder — 

    I present these thoughts from the perspective of someone who grew up in and is familiar with the academic and spiritual situation on the European continent. My observation is that many of the trends that have eroded a robust Christian influence on European culture are very much active in the Evangelical world of the US in the current situation as well ...

  • Matthew Williams — 

    This article gives an overview of one of the Bible studies from The Forgiveness of Jesus DVD Bible study in the Deeper Connections series: Jesus heals a blind man in John chapter nine. To most of us, this seems like a pretty cool miracle; and it is, but there is so much more behind this miracle that we miss because we do not understand the first century context. When we take the time to learn this historical context, the passage pops! ...

  • Matthew Williams — 

    The following is an overview of one of the Bible studies from The Forgiveness of Jesus DVD Bible study in the Deeper Connections series: Do you ever feel like you are too far gone for God to forgive you? Or, maybe you feel like he might forgive you, but he does it grudgingly? This fear is the main reason that I published The Forgiveness of Jesus because nothing could be further from the truth. When Jesus calls Matthew the tax collector (Matthew 9:9-13), it shows us that God seeks out the lowest of the low in order to show that he loves to forgive. But in order to fully understand the meaning of this text, we must understand the first century context. When we take the time to learn this historical context, the passage comes to life!

  • Kenneth Berding — 

    A few years ago I received an email from a former student (now a young pastor) asking some questions about speaking in tongues during corporate worship. Let me excerpt his e-mail and then include my reply (with his permission): Dr. Berding, I am emailing you because I have a question about ‘service of worship’ for the church. Recently I have taken upon myself to work out some position papers on where I stand on a few ecclesiology topics. I have spent time reading from Horton, Grudem, Bloesch, and some of Clowney's works on ecclesiology. However, recently at our corporate worship one of the elders prayed in tongues and this was followed by what appeared to be an interpretation. As I have been reading through these books and wrestling with scripture, I have come to wonder if tongues plays a role in corporate worship or not ...

  • Jeffrey Volkmer — 

    In a post on his blog, "Jesus Creed," eminent New Testament scholar Scot McKnight seems to agree with some of the findings of Claude Mariottini's book Rereading the Biblical Text: Searching for Meaning and Understanding which argues that Gen. 3:15 is not in fact messianic. McKnight further points out that such a conclusion agrees with Old Testament luminaries Gordon Wenham and Gerhard von Rad as well as some translations. These, says McKnight, conclude that the “seed” mentioned in Gen. 3:15 refers to not an individual, but rather the sum total of the descendants of both the woman and the serpent ...