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Posts by Erik Thoennes

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    After thirty years of ministry, I feel more burdened for the lives of young men than I have ever felt before. Has a more challenging time existed for a young man to figure out who he is supposed to be?

  • Think Biblically

    Scripture and Gender

    with Erik Thoennes

    Sean McDowell, Scott Rae, Erik Thoennes — 

    Biblically speaking, is our biological sex an essential part of our identity? Are there unique differences and roles for men and women? In this...

  • Think Biblically

    Godly Jealousy

    with Erik Thoennes

    Sean McDowell, Scott Rae, Erik Thoennes — 

    How can a loving God be jealous, as the Bible describes? Is God envious? In this interview, Sean and Scott talk with Erik Thoennes about the proper...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    My good friend Jon Lunde does a lot of counseling with people who are going through many kinds of challenges. Through the years, he has learned...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    Tough, grown men, who almost never cry, cried this week, all over LA, and around the world. The sudden and tragic death of Kobe Bryant has had a...

  • Talbot Magazine

    Shelf Life

    Recent publications from our very own Talbot faculty.

    Uche Anizor, Octavio Esqueda, Erik Thoennes, Markus Zehnder — 

    Marriage: Its Foundation, Theology and Mission in a Changing World Erik Thoennes Professor of TheologyEditor & Contributor Moody...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    I love the autofocus feature on my camera. I know serious photographers will cringe when they read that, but I’m not a serious photographer, and I...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    I’m happy to introduce my friend, Laura Rosenkranz, to the readers of the Good Book Blog as a guest contributor. We serve together at Grace...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    The study of theology is considered by many to be dry, boring, irrelevant, and complicated. But for those who want to know God, the study of theology is indispensable. The word “theology” comes from two Greek words, theos (“God”) and logos (“word”). The study of theology is an effort to make definitive statements about God and his implications in an accurate, coherent, relevant way, based on God’s self-revelations. Doctrine equips people to fulfill their primary purpose, which is to glorify and delight in God through a deep personal knowledge of him. Meaningful relationship with God is dependent on correct knowledge of him ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    The recent statistics released by The Pew Forum on Religious & Public Life showing a decline among Americans who consider themselves religious are sure to alarm many concerned about the spiritual state of the nation. For evangelicals, the most potentially jarring of these statistics shows that for the first time in its history the United States does not have a Protestant majority. The study found that about 20% of Americans say they have no religious affiliation, an increase from 15% in the last five years. The sobering reality in all this for evangelicals is that, although our churches continue to grow, our evangelistic effectiveness has significantly lagged behind the US population growth. This study is a clear challenge to evangelicals to live up to our name and proclaim the good news in a culture where we can no longer assume common theological foundations. Evangelical Christians have to learn to preach the gospel in a culture where we are no longer part of the Protestant majority. This is not necessarily a bad thing though. A few observations about the data shows that the picture is not as bleak as it may seem.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    There is always a tension between the purity and unity of the church. How do Christians decide how much weight to put on certain beliefs? Here is how I think we need to figure out how to plant flags wisely.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    What are the sure signs that you are a authentic Christian? Bible reading, praying, church attendance, right answers to theological questons, concern for social justice, and acts of service, are all necessary to grow in Christ. But none of these is definite evidence that you are truly a child of God.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    A book I wrote came out today. It's called Life's Biggest Questions: What the Bible Says about the Things That Matter Most (Crossway). I pray it will help people to know God and his truth better.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Erik Thoennes — 

    We should want to know God more than we want to know his will for our lives.

  • Biola Magazine

    Erik Thoennes — 

    Hear the word “jealous” and images of an insecure, abusive husband easily come to mind. Indeed, jealousy has caused many difficulties and...