Torrey Honors Alumni

Bonum, Verum, Pulchrum. Perpetually.
Around the world, you can identify Torrey Honors alumni by their silver ring inscribed with BONUM VERUM PULCHRUM — Latin for Goodness, Truth and Beauty. This gift from Torrey Honors not only marks students as perpetual members, but initiates them into a community of learners committed to a lifetime of growth.
The skills our alumni gain at Torrey Honors position them to thrive in their careers and in their communities with excellence and humility. Torrey Honors graduates don’t end an academic career, they begin a new chapter in their story.
Keep Us Updated
You are on amazing paths in your faith, career, relationships, service and knowledge. We want to know your stories and continue investing in you as perpetual members of Torrey Honors College.
Update UsTorrey Honors Ring Replacements
We are happy to order our perpetual members a discounted silver replacement ring.
Ring Replacement Form
Connect with Perpetual Members in Your Area
Torrey Honors is building community across the globe by launching regional chapters for perpetual members. In these chapters, alumni can meaningfully connect with one another in their local area. To learn about joining or leading a regional chapter in your area, please contact us!

Join Our BiolaHub Group
We now have our own group space on Biola’s official alumni network platform. Simply login to BiolaHub, go to “Groups” and look for “Torrey Honors Perpetual Members.