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Greater: The Triadic Reciprocal Causation Model, the Holy Trinity, and You: A Nexus for a 'Greater' Image of Christ.

Luciano Cid

    • Wednesday, October 18, 2023
    • 9:30–10:20 a.m. Pacific
  • Calvary Chapel
  • Hosted By: Spiritual Development
  • Open to: Alumni, Faculty, General Public, Parents, Staff, Students

Cost and Admission

This event is free to attend.

Does the world possess a real image of Christ? Out of all the pictorial representations found within museums, cathedrals, or feature films, which one is the one that looks most like Jesus? This chapel will employ scripture, social cognitive theory, as well as a bit of art and poetry to illustrate the role Christians have within the redemptive work of God. That is, employing the Triadic Reciprocal Causation Model as its theoretical framework and John 14 as its theological one, this chapel will challenge its audience to recognize their kingdom given identity, which is to be imagers of both the Son and the Father, while realizing and accepting the role of the Holy Spirit within God's work.


Luciano Cid

Doctor Cid grew up in Argentina until he was 13 years of age.  For most of his life he has had to navigate what it means to be bicultural - frequently feeling as if he was not fully part of the more common, 'normal', and homogenous cultural groups in which he participated, feeling as if he was neither from here nor from there.  However, once he became a Christian, he found a true identity in the unity afforded to him by those professing to be disciples of Jesus.  Through his time of salvation, reconciliation, and sanctification, he's been able to enter into, and experience, the divine community, which has helped him understand how intimate a person can be to one's true self, the souls of others, as well as the creator.  As a result, Dr. Cid has dedicated his life to learning about what makes up a person (the psychology, neurology, and spirituality of people), how to properly educate the self (the pedagogies and philosophies of life and the soul), and how to live such truths out (the ethics and theological practicalities of such realities).  To do so, during his time as a tertiary student, he obtained degrees in philosophy, comparative religions, teaching, educational neuroscience, educational psychology, and educational leadership, but the forces that have shaped his development the most have always been, and continue to be, the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Spirit, and the dedicated few who strive to live out the words and actions of Christ.


(562) 903-4874

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