Deepening convictions without dividing communities
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Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — March 04, 2024
On this segment of Reports From The Front, two of Tim’s students, Helena and Carson, who are studying Communications at Biola University, discuss...
Abby Ferguson, Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — February 19, 2024
Today on the podcast we have another segment of Reports From The Front, a positive story of someone who is doing things right. Tim and Rick speak...
Jim Davis, Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — February 05, 2024
Jim Davis, pastor and co-author of the recent book, The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — January 22, 2024
Through our connections with CRU, a ministry that engages students and faculty on college campuses across the U.S., the Winsome Conviction...
Tim Downs, Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — January 08, 2024
In 2 Corinthians 5:20, the Apostle Paul tells Christians that they are “ambassadors for Christ.” Ambassadorship is part of our identity. Paul...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — December 25, 2023
Conflict in relationships is unavoidable. Healthy and successful relationships know how to counteract unhealthy communication styles and adopt...
Tim Muehlhoff — December 19, 2023
Tim was a recent guest on the Placed For A Purpose podcast to talk about how to disagree well with our neighbors. Through storytelling from his own...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — December 11, 2023
American psychologist John Gottman has a knack for discerning healthy arguments from unhealthy ones, and he is known for identifying pattern...
Tim Downs, Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — November 27, 2023
Culture changes, and rapid shifts in culture generate challenges in communication. Although the truth of the Gospel is timeless, Christians...
Jim Davis, Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — November 13, 2023
Jim Davis, pastor and co-author of the recent book, The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — October 30, 2023
We’re revisiting a question we frequently get: “Why bother talking to somebody if you aren’t going to change their mind?” Especially in the...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — October 16, 2023
Tim Keller was a pastor in New York City who had enormous influence far beyond the city limits. He died of pancreatic cancer in May 2023. One of...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — October 02, 2023
Why bother having a discussion if the other party isn’t going to change their mind? Fair question, and it’s one we get a lot. So, let’s consider...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff, Greg Stump — September 18, 2023
It can get messy when you seek to have a faithful presence in your community and love your neighbors while holding to your theological...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff, Greg Stump — September 04, 2023
“Can we love our neighbors if we don’t even know them?” This question helped to kickstart a summertime series on interfaith conversations at...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — August 21, 2023
There are a handful of bedrock principles and practices that inform having a winsome conviction, and a big one is perspective-taking. Tim digs...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — August 07, 2023
Tim and Rick discuss a recent Barna study that highlights notable differences involving perceptions - how Christians perceive themselves and how...
Nick Drossos, Tim Muehlhoff — June 26, 2023
When arguments escalate, we need to know how to make our words and actions less forceful and extreme. While many listeners will not find...
Nick Drossos, Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff — June 12, 2023
Back in April, to help draw attention to Sexual Assault Awareness month, the Winsome Conviction Project partnered with Biola’s Center for...
Russell Moore, Tim Muehlhoff, Scott Rae — May 29, 2023
Russell Moore (Ph.D.) is back on the podcast to speak on “convictional kindness” and how to apply it in a divisive culture. The conversation draws...
Prashan De Visser, Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — May 15, 2023
Prashan De Visser returns to the podcast to speak with Tim and Rick on trends and themes in America that undermine peacemaking efforts. Drawing...
Robert George, Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — May 01, 2023
Tim and Rick sit down with Dr. Robert George, a renowned professor, legal scholar, political philosopher, and public intellectual, and this year’...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — April 17, 2023
The temptation to resist being gentle is strong, especially in the argument culture. Personal slights and hostile communication all prey upon the...
Rick Langer, Tim Muehlhoff — April 03, 2023
Trading an insult for an insult is tempting, at times fiendishly satisfying, and doing so will surely deepen division. It may be for this reason...
Rick Langer, Patrick Miller — March 20, 2023
How should Christians express a Christ-like posture in the public square? What expression should that posture take when political disagreements...