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  • Biola Magazine

    Biolans Up Close: Summer 2011

    Jim Brown ('78), California's top superintendent

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    What does it take to be one of the top educators in California? Just ask Biola alumnus Jim Brown (’78), who was recently named the state’s “...

  • Biola Magazine

    Alumni Files: Summer 2011

    Making Connections, Then and Now

    Rick Bee — 

    I remember it well. That first issue of Biola’s magazine we called Connections. The alumni program was new turf for me and we had just completed...

  • Biola Magazine

    Craig Hazen — 

    It’s been fascinating to watch the very vocal and prolific new atheists, such as Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and Richard...

  • Biola Magazine

    Polytheistic Christians?

    What the struggles of the Corinthian church can teach us about our own residual paganism

    Moyer Hubbard — 

    This is the first in what will be a regular column for Biola Magazine, featuring selected posts from the Talbot School of Theology faculty blog,...

  • Biola Magazine

    Jason Newell — 

    Way back in 1986, the very first issue of Biola Magazine (called Connections back then) landed in mailboxes. On the cover, in dull gray and black,...

  • Biola Magazine

    Contentment and the American Dream

    Contentment's wisdom is good news for all seasons of life

    Joseph Gorra — 

    “We’ve got to buy something now!” I remember thinking that to myself when we first went shopping for a condo near Biola. The thought rallied my...

  • Biola Magazine

    Making the Grade

    Education symposium examines California’s public schools

    Jason Newell — 

    Are California’s public schools failing? Most Californians seem to think so, with 55 percent saying the quality of the state’s K-12 public schools...

  • Biola Magazine

    At the Top of Her Game

    Jessilyn Conicelli earns national honors

    Amy Seed — 

    Jessilyn Conicelli made the right decision four years ago when she had to choose between basketball and volleyball. Now a Biola graduate,...

  • Biola Magazine

    Brett McCracken — 

    On March 25, eight teams competed in the annual AS-sponsored Mock Rock lip-syncing competition, performing elaborate song and dance routines in...

  • Biola Magazine

    Is Hell a Vital Doctrine?

    Theology professor Ashish Naidu on the afterlife and why it's essential to believe that 'love warns'

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    This spring, evangelical megachurch pastor Rob Bell caused a firestorm of controversy when he released his new book — Love Wins: A Book About...

  • Biola Magazine

    Amy Seed — 

    Blake Mycoskie, CEO of TOMS Shoes, visited Biola in April to include students in a milestone company announcement. With the help of about 50...

  • Biola Magazine

    Higher Tech Education

    Second Imagination Summit ponders future of technology and education

    Brett McCracken — 

    La Mirada looked a bit like Palo Alto on April 15, when the second annual Imagination Summit brought top tech leaders and Silicon Valley...

  • Biola Magazine

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    After the 8.9-magnitude quake and accompanying tsunami struck Japan on March 11, it didn’t take Biolans long to find ways to support the suffering...

  • Biola Magazine

    A Dorm By Any Other Name

    Sigma Chi and Alpha Chi get 'new' names

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Two of Biola’s oldest and largest residence halls have lost their last names. As of this summer, the “Chi” has been dropped from both the Sigma...

  • Biola Magazine

    The Soil of the Soul of our Students

    President's Perspective

    Barry Corey — 

    Paula and I have three children, and the oldest of them will be starting college in the fall. He looked at colleges from coast to coast and landed...

  • Biola Magazine

    Dave Milbrandt — 

    Editor’s Note: Obesity is an epidemic in America. According to the Centers for Disease Controland Prevention, more thanone-third of U.S. adults...

  • Biola Magazine

    Back and Forward

    Editor's Note

    Jason Newell — 

    If you were to open our file cabinet and browse through the entire Biola Magazine archives — as we did for this, our 25th anniversary issue — you...

  • Biola News

    Joseph Gorra — 

    Joseph Gorra, Christian Apologetics, sat down with Fred Sanders and Jason Sexton to discuss the new Theological Engagement with California Culture...

  • Biola News

    Q&A: What Has Theology to do with California?

    Thoughts on the new Theological Engagement with California Culture Project

    Joseph Gorra — 

    Biola University faculty are often involved in scholarly collaborations with other faculty worldwide. TheTheological Engagement with California...

  • Biola News

    Joseph Gorra — 

    Gregg Ten Elshof is the current Director of the Center for Christian Thought, Chairperson of the undergraduate philosophy department and Associate...

  • Biola News

    Joseph Gorra — 

    Joseph Gorra Interviews Mike Austi n Joseph Gorra is the Manager of Academic Programs and Research for Biola University’s graduate program in...

  • Biola News

    Ethics for Everyone

    How a Christian Philosopher Communicates Beyond the Academy

    Joseph Gorra — 

    Professional Christian philosophers like Mike Austin continue to make waves not only in the academic arena but in non-academic environments, as...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Ben Shin — 

    Choosing the right leaders helps determine good leadership. This is true for every organization that requires leadership. Even the business world understands this important axiom. Jim Collins for example in his book Good to Great uses the analogy of getting the “right people on the bus” before any kind of leadership could move, develop, or flourish. This is not only a proven principle from experience but also something that the Pastoral Epistles certainly emphasizes. This is why following the prescription of what makes a good leader according to the Word of God is so crucial for the church. Without referring to the qualities mentioned in the Scripture, potentially wrong criteria could be imposed in choosing leaders for the church and this would be tragic!

  • The Good Book Blog

    Matthew Williams — 

    SHAME REMOVED; HONOR RECEIVED, PART 3 --Jesus' interactions with people in the Gospel of John...and today This is the third part of a series that looks at events in the Gospel of John in which we find Jesus interacting with various people who need help—physical help and spiritual help. In John 4, Jesus speaks with a Samaritan woman. It is interesting that John records this interaction right after his interaction with Nicodemus. The Samaritan woman could not be more different than Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a male Jew, a Pharisee, a member of the Jewish ruling council, and was Israel’s teacher (3:1, 10). He was the epitome of the best of the best that Israel had to offer.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Joanne Jung — 

    If you think the book of Ruth is some kind of self help program to become the best mother-in-law (or daughter-in-law), you will have missed the whole idea of why it's included in Scripture. It was written by one who carefully, skillfully, and dramatically records - with a surprise ending to the book - the events of a seemingly insignificant, desperate family. I brought this message to the audience attending Biola's chapel on Grandparents Day. It's 22 minutes short, but "the view is spectacular."