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Posts by Sean McDowell

  • Think Biblically

    Sean McDowell, Scott Rae — 

    In the second half of this two-part series, Sean McDowell and Scott Rae continue their conversation with pastor and author Caleb Kaltenbach. In...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    William Dembski is one of the leading thinkers behind the Intelligent Design movement (ID). He has written both scholarly texts, such as The Design Inference, and popular books, such as Understanding Intelligent Design (which we co-wrote in 2008). Although he has recently shifted his focus from ID to other projects, Dembski has recently released a book called Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics, which is co-written with Robert Marks and Winston Ewert. This may be his final book-length contribution to the discussion over Darwinism and intelligent design ...

  • Think Biblically

    Sean McDowell, Scott Rae — 

    There is often great fear, mistrust, and tension between the church and the LGBTQ community. How can Christians posture themselves in a biblical...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Is Sexual Orientation Immutable?

    The Science May Surprise You

    Sean McDowell — 

    One of the most common and effective claims for LGBT rights is that people are born with an immutable, permanent sexual orientation. In our recent...

  • Think Biblically

    The Gospel and Poverty

    with Dan Anderson

    Sean McDowell, Scott Rae — 

    Jesus taught his followers to help the poor. Yet there is much confusion about the most effective and biblical means for doing so. In this episode,...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    Dr. Hugh Ross, the president of Reasons to Believe (RTB), has been a friend of mine for many years. I have had the opportunity of speaking at...

  • Think Biblically

    Sean McDowell, Scott Rae — 

    What is the church doing well in the LGBTQ conversation? Where can we improve? In this podcast, Sean McDowell and Scott Rae interview Dr. Mark...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    Personal autonomy has become the reigning virtue of our day. If it feels true to you, then it must be true for you. As SCOTUS Justice Anthony Kennedy famously said, "At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” On this view, freedom entails obeying only the self. But the Star Wars franchise portrays a different kind of freedom, a freedom that is found through obedience. For instance, in episode IV (the first Star Wars film) Obi-Wan Kenobi sneaks Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO past a small group of stormtroopers. When the stormtroopers stop them for inquiry, Ob-Wan simply waves his hand and says, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” One of the stormtroopers repeats the phrase and they obey.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    Jewish and Christian scribes took inordinate care in copying the Bible from one generation to the next. For a variety of reasons, we can have great confidence that our present Bibles have considerable fidelity to the original writings.[1] Hands down, the Bible is the most carefully preserved book from the ancient world ...

  • Think Biblically

    Naturalism and the Soul

    with JP Moreland

    Sean McDowell, J P Moreland, Scott Rae — 

    What is the best evidence for the soul? What is the state of philosophical debate over the existence of the soul? Can evolution explain the soul?...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    I recently got to watch an early release of the new Samson film with my older kids and we all loved it. I asked my kids if I should endorse it and...

  • Think Biblically

    Joe Hellerman, Sean McDowell, Scott Rae — 

    The contemporary church puts a huge emphasis on natural marriage and family. But according to pastor, author and Talbot professor Joe Hellerman,...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    Corey Miller is the president of Ratio Christi, an organization that brings apologetics to the university campus. He was also a classmate of mine in the Philosophy program at Talbot Theological Seminary. As a former Mormon, Corey has a special interest in reaching people in the LDS church. He has compiled a fascinating and unique book called Leaving Mormonism: Why Four Scholars Changed Their Minds. I had the chance to endorse this book and highly recommend it. If you are interested in reaching out to the Mormon community, this book is a must-read ...

  • Think Biblically

    Sean McDowell, Scott Rae — 

    What are the unique challenges young people face today? And what are some creative ways to equip and reach them? In this podcast, Sean McDowell and...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    The transgender debate is threatening to rip apart our culture. And it is raising a deep divide within the church. How should Christians respond? I recently picked up a copy of the new book by Andrew Walker entitled God and the Transgender Debate. It has significant endorsements—e.g., Robert George, Rod Dreher, and Albert Mohler—and so I had high expectations, and yet I still found it a valuable read ...

  • Think Biblically

    Sean McDowell, Scott Rae — 

    What are the unique challenges young people face today? And what are some creative ways to equip and reach them? In this podcast, Sean McDowell and...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    Over the weekend I went with my wife to see The Greatest Showman and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The movie tells the story of P.T. Barnum, the son...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    ​For the past few weeks, I have been reading the essential writings of Martin Luther King, Jr., including his speeches, books, interviews, and articles. The experience has been eye-opening, challenging, and enjoyable. Even though Dr. King had some significant character flaws, and I disagree with many of his positions, his public posture offers some powerful lessons for apologists today (and really, for anyone). Here’s my five big takeaways ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    January 2 was the release of one of the most important books this year on Christianity and cultural engagement: Love Thy Body: Answering Hard...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    It’s no secret that sexual mores have changed radically over the past few decades in America (and beyond). Certain commonsense and natural beliefs about the purpose and nature of sex and marriage have been uprooted. Given the increase in abortion since Roe vs. Wade, our cultural addiction to pornography, and the ubiquity of broken marriages, many people are rightly asking how we can bring sanity back to the conversation ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    In 2015, Oklahoma Wesleyan University president Everett Piper wrote a provocative article entitled, “This is Not A Day Care. It’s A University!” The article was quoted in the Washington Post, the New York Times, NBC News, and more. Needless to say, he ruffled some feathers! The article was such a success that Dr. Piper followed up with a recent book entitled Not A Day Care. I had the privilege of endorsing the book and highly commend it to you. Even if you end up disagreeing with Dr. Piper, he has struck a significant nerve and advances an argument that merits serious consideration ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    As a parent of three kids, I am frequently trying to help them best navigate cultural voices vying for their hearts and minds. This is why I am thrilled about the new book, A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World, by Brett Kunkle and John Stonestreet. They are both my good friends and ministry partners. But most importantly, they have written an excellent book. If you work with students in any capacity—parent, youth worker, teacher, mentor—this is a book you need to get. Read it, study it, and pass it on to other youth influencers. Here's a quick interview to give you a taste of how to help students best navigate culture ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    When I was a full-time high school teacher, one of my favorite assignments was to have my students develop a creative project to illustrate what would follow if moral relativism were true. Students wrote stories, composed songs, made short films, and more. My all-time favorite was a short poem written by a high school senior. She captures the moral absurdity that would follow if morality were truly relative to the individual ...

  • Think Biblically

    Sean McDowell, Scott Rae — 

    In part two of our conversation on race and the church, Sean McDowell and Scott Rae talk with Pastor Chris Brooks about the Black Lives Matter...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    This past Tuesday I took my 13-year old son to visit the newly-opened Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. If I had to pick one word to describe it, the word would be impressive. Sure, I am an apologetics professor at Talbot School of Theology and am naturally interested in the history and cultural impact of the Bible. But I went with high expectations, and the Museum exceeded them ...