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  • Biola Magazine

    Lessons Learned

    Editor's Note

    Jason Newell — 

    The summer before I arrived at Biola as an undergraduate, I attended a massive worship service at a local stadium. One of the speakers who got up...

  • Biola Magazine

    Barry Corey — 

    Oct. 14, 2011, was a historic day at Biola University. It was a day of remembrance, thanksgiving and reflection on the blessings God has bestowed...

  • Biola Magazine

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    For many Christians, Sunday mornings are about going to church, while Sunday afternoons are about watching pro football games, or basketball, or...

  • Biola Magazine

    Kevin Lewis — 

    Jesus Christ proclaimed, “I am the Way, and the truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6). The Apostles echoed...

  • Biola Magazine

    Opting for Adoption

    Alumnus’ teaching program honored by congressman

    Amy Seed — 

    During 20-plus years in ministry, Jeff Slack (’98, M.A. ’02) came to believe that something important was missing from many youth groups: a strong...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Rob Price — 

    Todd Billings is one of evangelicalism’s brightest up-and-coming pastor-scholars. From missions work in Uganda, to a Harvard Ph.D., to an adopted daughter from Ethiopia, Billings is advancing many of the projects dear to evangelicalism. You may have seen his wonderful cover article for Christianity Today (October 2011) on the theological interpretation of Scripture. In November 2011 he published the distillation of nearly a decade’s sustained reflection on a theme that is central to the gospel: the believer’s union with Christ.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Mick Boersma — 

    It wasn’t long after starting my pastorate in Washington State that I realized a hobby would be a good thing. I needed an activity that was far removed from ministry – something that would divert my attention away from the stresses brought on by working with people – an escape, if you will.

  • Business. Ministry. Life.

    James Webb — 

    This is the first post in a series we will presenting on this blog called "Business Fundamentals". In this series, we will be collecting lectures...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Ashish Naidu — 

    Wonderful is the word that encapsulates the world of horology. The more I read about the art and craft of watch making, the more I reflect on the infinite complexity of the divine mind, particularly the wondrous design and the meticulous plan of salvation—conceived in eternity—but executed in time and space.

  • Biola News

    Jenna Bartlo — 

    Prominent philanthropist and arts patron Roberta Green Ahmanson addressed graduates Friday, Dec. 16 at Biola University’s fall commencement. Biola...

  • Biola News

    Finding Sacred Space in Rwanda

    Senior nursing students spend two weeks doing medical work overseas

    Heather Tanji — 

    Discovering sacred space in an unexpected place, 13 nursing students saw the work of God during an extended trip to Rwanda, Africa, this fall....

  • Biola News

    Biola students celebrate Christmas with orphans in Mexico

    Tijuana Ministry offers love and hope to children

    Jessica Airey — 

    Twenty-five students crossed the border into Mexico earlier this month to bring Christmas spirit to children at Niños de la Promesa, an orphanage...

  • Biola News

    Student Uses Art to Help Homeless Man

    Drawings raise money for a friend in need

    Jessica Airey — 

    Senior art major Jason Leith ambled into an empty grass field in an abandoned lot a month ago, simultaneously wandering into the life of a...

  • Biola News

    Elizabeth Mak — 

    With coverage on the Irvine 11 this past year, it is not surprising that men and women are inclined toward Islamophobia — the irrational fear and...

  • Biola News

    Psychology Professor Explores the Grief Associated with Abortion

    Gary Strauss co-authors Grief & Abortion, book gives insight on the healing process after an abortion

    Alethia Selby — 

    Inspired by the overwhelming amount of heartbreak that is found in the aftermath of an abortion, Biola professor of psychology, Gary Strauss...

  • Biola News

    Men's Soccer Coach Celebrates One Hundred Wins

    Coach Kuderman Leads Men's Soccer Team to Victory

    Heather Tanji  — 

    Head coach Bryan Kuderman led Biola's soccer team to victory against Concordia University on Nov. 12, earning Biola the GSAC tournament...

  • Biola News

    Jeff Hoffman — 

    Coming off a record-breaking first-year at Biola, freshman middle blocker Amy Weststeyn has been recognized nationally as the American Volleyball...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Rob Lister — 

    I love reading good children’s literature to my kids. I especially love it when a great narrative for kids comes packaged together with really good theology. Such is the case with Starr Meade’s Keeping Holiday (Crossway, 2008)—a book so satisfying narratively and theologically that we are re-reading it to our kids this holiday season. The best way I can describe it is to say that Keeping Holiday is part Narnia and part Pilgrim’s Progress for kids.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Octavio Esqueda — 

    Several years ago I had a Latin professor who made us memorize a phrase that it has been in my mind ever since. The Latin expression is “magister meus doctus est” and means “my professor is instructed or wise.” Obviously, my Latin professor was teasing when he made us memorize that phrase, but in reality, those words describe an important and profound truth. Everybody expects that professors are wise enough to guide their students. It has been commonly assumed that only those who know more can lead others in the right path because we know that nobody can give something without first possessing it. I have been a teacher in different countries and settings for twenty years now and I can testify about the accuracy of this general perception.

  • The Good Book Blog

    John Hutchison — 

    Thanksgiving day 2011 has come and gone. Like many families, it has always been for us a time when the relatives gather together. Like many Christian families, we try to remember in a more intentional way the blessings God has bestowed upon us. But unlike most families, on Thanksgiving Day we are painfully reminded of another memory . . .

  • Biola News

    Elizabeth Mak — 

    Athletes at Biola University know that life is about more than running the fastest, scoring the most points and winning the game. It’s about...

  • Biola News

    European soccer player finds a home at Biola

    Sava Pantic is the newest international student to join the Biola men’s soccer team

    Heather Tanji — 

    Adjusting to college life is never easy. New friends, new classes and newfound independence are a lot to take in for any student. For 25-year-old...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Kenneth Way — 

    One of the best books I have read in the last couple of years is Thinking in Circles (Yale, 2007) by Mary Douglas. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in hermeneutics, literary approaches to the Bible, or the cultural background of the Bible. It is a non-technical read that is filled with fresh and provocative insights, and since it is only about 150 pages, one could read it in just one or two sittings.

  • Biola News

    Alumnus Qualifies for U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon

    Former cross country athlete Brian Ball runs record time, qualifies for Olympic Trials, and proposes to girlfriend

    Elizabeth Mak — 

    Brian Ball, former five-time NAIA All-American for the Eagles , is still running faster than ever. After graduating from Biola in 2008 with his...

  • Biola News

    Students Bless the Homeless During Thanksgiving

    Biolans help Union Rescue Mission feed 5,000 people on Skid Row

    Jenna Bartlo — 

    Biola students partnered with Union Rescue Mission to bring Thanksgiving a few days early on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2011, serving up a traditional...