On Feb. 24, Russia launched a full-scale invasion into Ukraine, where Talbot has an extension program, offering a Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies in the Eurasian Context. As of this issue’s printing, jets, tanks, missiles and soldiers are destroying cities all across the country and, more tragically, injuring and taking the lives of thousands, including women and children. Amidst the pain and suffering that Ukrainians are experiencing, the church is shining the light of Jesus through various acts of service. Our Talbot Kyiv Extension students and alumni are meeting needs by turning their churches into shelters for refugees, by gathering food and supplies and delivering it to areas that are lacking such necessities, by logistically assisting those who are trying to evacuate, and by staying in the conflict zones to shepherd those who are scared and care for those who are hurt.

The Talbot Kyiv Extension operates on the campus of Kyiv Theological Seminary (KTS). So far, the KTS building has remained unharmed, even though some missile strikes have hit not far from the campus. Although only a skeleton crew of staff is on-site, the leadership team is quite active amidst this crisis. KTS recently posted the following on Facebook, testifying to their spirit of service in this crisis: “In these difficult days for our country, all of our alumni, staff, and students, in one way or another, are involved in serving people. Some had to take up arms and protect our cities, our homes, our lives. Others dig trenches and equip the defense forces. Many help others to evacuate. And some supply food and other goods. And, of course, we all pray a lot.”

Pray with us that the Lord will bring a swift end to this war, and that he’ll strengthen the believers of Ukraine to continue to be the presence of Jesus to those around them. Our Talbot Kyiv Extension courses were canceled for the Spring 2022 semester, but we are conversing with our leadership team in Ukraine to determine when and how to begin studies again.