Whether you consider yourself a “New Year resolutions” type of person or not, it is a perfect time to start thinking about your personal wellness. But instead of spending all your time, brain space and money tirelessly trying to achieve your New Year's resolutions, you can simply take some time to pause, evaluate, and reflect on what you might personally need to thrive this coming year. As you think about your well-being, here are four helpful thoughts that might help you thrive in 2022.

1. Recognize you are a multidimensional being.

    Wellness is not just about eating well and exercising. Though physical wellness is a huge part of your well-being, it is not everything. You are a multidimensional being, which means that there are many different layers that add up to make you the person you are. Wellness can be thought of in six different ways: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Relational, and Cultural. They are all connected and affect each other. For example, sometimes you may think you are having an emotional crisis, but in reality you have not slept or had a balanced meal in a while. Or other times, you may try as hard as you can to work out and exercise, but the weight you are carrying in your life is too much to carry alone, causing you to realize that you need relationships! All of these areas are important to your well-being. Take some time to non-judgmentally evaluate where you are in these six areas of wellness.

    2. Acknowledge that you can start your wellness journey with what you already have.

    People tend to spend a lot of time, brain power and money on wellness when in reality, you can just start where you are, with what you have. You do not have to spend money buying the most expensive ingredients or gym memberships, instead you can simply evaluate what resources you have and start there. You may not have an extra hour every day to work out, but do you have fifteen minutes to go on a short mindfulness walk? You may not have the capacity to hang out with a ton of friends, but can you set up a time to spend some meaningful time with one friend? Wellness is cultivated in our lives when we create small, sustainable habits that will last for the rest of our lives. So when you are thinking about wellness (in any of the six areas), try to add some small, manageable habits that help you feel whole and healthy. Start where you are, with what you have!

    3. Wellness looks different for everyone.

      Apart from a few guiding health principles, wellness is different for everyone. We all come from different backgrounds, families and cultures. We all have a unique relationship and journey with God. We all have different bodies and brains. The list goes on and on. So as you think about your well-being this year, do not compare yourself to anyone else. What someone else might need for their wellness is entirely different than what you might need. Allow yourself to be inspired and empowered by those around you.

      4. Invite the Holy Spirit into the practicals of life.

      The Holy Spirit longs to be a part of the practical things in our lives. Our relationship with God does not need to be confined to a 30-minute devotional or a service on Sunday mornings. We can actually invite the Holy Spirit to empower us to live a whole and healthy life. I love the scripture in John 10:10 talks about how Jesus came to give us life, and life abundantly. The Holy Spirit can provide help for you when you feel stuck and have no way forward. I encourage you to start this year off by inviting the Holy Spirit into every area of your life and allow yourself to be led by His guiding voice.

      Wellness is a journey and it is never about perfection. We know that as we cultivate a life full of health and wholeness, we are able to be all that we were created to be. Know that you do not need to walk this journey alone. There are many resources on the Biola Well Being Website to help guide you in every area of wellness. I wish you the best for 2022 and pray that you may be able to cultivate wellness in your life, no matter what circumstances come your way.

      View the resources available on the Biola Well Being Website.

      Written by Debrianna DeBolt, Coordinator of Student Wellness.