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  • Biola Magazine

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Biola filed a federal lawsuit in August to challenge a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate that requires faith- based employers...

  • Biola Magazine

    Biola's Bizarre Letterman Appearance

    'This is like every class I ever took at Biola University!'

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    File this under “Top 10 Strangest Moments in Biola History.” On June 28, comedian David Letterman gave viewers a “huh?” moment when he opened his...

  • Biola Magazine

    Did Jesus Have a Wife?

    Biolans respond to discovery of papyrus fragment

    Biola Magazine Staff — 

    Harvard Divinity School professor Karen King created a stir in September when she unveiled the discovery of an ancient Coptic manuscript...

  • Biola Magazine

    Good Works are a Means, Not an End

    President's Perspective

    Barry Corey — 

    I sat at a breakfast table a few months ago overlooking lower Central Park in Manhattan. Across the table was Lamar Vest, president of the American...

  • Biola Magazine

    Jason Newell — 

    Since its founding more than a century ago as the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Biola University has been driven by the Great Commission. From...

  • Biola News

    Professor’s Debut Novel Chosen as National Book Award Finalist

    Carrie Arcos’ young adult book "Out of Reach" released this month

    Jenna Bartlo — 

    English professor Carrie Arcos admits that she was more in love with the idea of being a writer for many years before she actually became a...

  • Biola News

    Student Vocalists Travel to Korea to Share Music

    The King’s Men share their musical talents with thousands in Seoul

    Bethany Wilson — 

    The King’s Men, an acapella music group from Biola University’s Conservatory of Music, recently completed a whirlwind tour of South Korea that...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Octavio Esqueda — 

    El Espíritu Santo es esencial para la vida y enseñanza cristiana. De hecho, no creo exagerar al afirmar que sin la ayuda y poder del Espíritu Santo todos nuestros esfuerzos tanto para agradar a Dios como para enseñar a otros a hacerlo carecen de sentido y, por lo tanto, los resultados son insignificantes. Desgraciadamente, en muchas ocasiones el Espíritu Santo es olvidado, minimizado o incluso relevado a solamente una teoría teológica que creemos porque se encuentra en la Biblia, pero que no tiene ninguna relevancia en nuestra vida diaria. De hecho, llegué a escuchar a un profesor de un seminario afirmar que muchos cristianos de forma práctica creen que la santa trinidad está compuesta por el Padre, el Hijo y las Santas Escrituras. De esta manera, la presencia del Espíritu Santo es totalmente olvidada.

  • Business. Ministry. Life.

    Les Harman III — 

    Every spring, I teach a course in Non-Profit Marketing (BUSN 332) to my upper-division marketing students. During this course, my students...

  • Business. Ministry. Life.

    Nick Sherwin — 

    For anyone passionate about secular work being ministry, a thorough investigation of a prospective employer is critical. Why would anyone want to...

  • Business. Ministry. Life.

    David Bourgeois — 

    An open letter to high school seniors and their parents: Now is the time of year when millions of students and their parents are hard at work on...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Dave Keehn — 

    Mentoring may be a “buzz-word” in the business world, but the practice of developing another person for specific purposes of skill or leadership development has been around since the beginning of civilization. It is evident throughout Scripture – especially in the ministries of Jesus and Paul. However, the integration of mentoring for ministry preparation within academic settings has built in problems. SO WHY BOTHER? For many reasons...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Gary Manning Jr — 

    The latest news on historical Jesus research can now be found in… Popular Mechanics? I’m used to perusing Popular Mechanics to see flying cars, homemade submarines, and ads for power tools. But Popular Mechanics published a reconstructed picture of Jesus (quite a while ago, but I just noticed it!). I’ll show you the picture and explain it in just a bit. But first, I want you to see some of my favorite portraits of Jesus. My students have become accustomed to seeing these non-traditional pictures of Jesus decorating my powerpoint lecture notes. This picture of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (from the Via Latina catacomb, ca. 340-350) was painted by a Roman, so Jesus and the woman both have Roman hairstyles and clothing. No beard on Jesus!

  • The Good Book Blog

    Kenneth Berding — 

    A few weeks ago I put up a post with the title: “Something About the Book of Romans that will Really Help You ‘Get’ It.” (Click HERE to read it.) I rounded out that article with a list of questions from Romans to help people see the importance of the ethnic issues going on in the background of the letter to the Romans. Some people expressed surprise that there were so many questions in the book of Romans—it’s not something that they had noticed before. Well, there are a whole lot more questions in Romans than the ones I listed. Questions are one of the ways Paul moves his argument forward. Do you want to see how many questions there are?

  • The Good Book Blog

    Gary Manning Jr — 

    This morning, I began teaching Greek sentence diagramming to my students in Introduction to Exegesis. Some students love diagramming, but probably more dread it, at least at first. I picked some sentences to diagram from John 1, mainly because the students had just translated this passage a few weeks ago. One sentence in particular, John 1:12-13, reveals that nerdy analytical approaches such as Greek diagramming can help understand passages of Scripture better. Here’s the diagram (with a translation below for non-Greek readers) ὅσοι δὲ ἔλαβον αὐτόν, ἔδωκεν αὐτοῖς ἐξουσίαν τέκνα θεοῦ γενέσθαι, τοῖς πιστεύουσιν εἰς τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ,

  • Biola News

    Biola President, Olympian and Alumna Amy Atkinson Run 5K to Fight Human Trafficking

    Alumni, parents and students ran to support Biola's Social Justice Ministry

    Jenna Bartlo — 

    More than 400 people ran in the “Run for Micah 6:8” 5K during Biola Weekend on Oct. 6 in support of Biola’s student Social Justice Ministry...

  • Biola News

    Biola Remains One of the Safest Colleges

    Campus Safety released the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

    Jessica Airey — 

    A report released this fall demonstrates that Biola University’s campus remains one of the safest districts in the city of La Mirada — which...

  • Biola News

    Biola Weekend Recap

    The second annual Biola Weekend brought over 1,100 parents, alumni, family members and friends to campus for two days of events and activities that highlighted “The Best of Biola!”

    Hilary Larkins — 

    The second annual Biola Weekend brought over 1,100 parents, alumni, familymembers and friends to campus for two days of events and activities that...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Octavio Esqueda — 

    He tenido el privilegio de ser profesor por más de veinte años. A los diecinueve años empecé a enseñar español y otras materias en una secundaria publica en Guadalajara, México. Esta aventura que empezó como un simple trabajo se ha convertido en mi vocación y he tenido la oportunidad de enseñar en varios países, instituciones y niveles académicos que van de la secundaria hasta el doctorado. La tarea de un profesor es ardua y siempre hay muchas cosas que aprender. De hecho, actualmente enseño en un programa doctoral que se enfoca principalmente en la tarea educativa y en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en diferentes contextos cristianos.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Gary Manning Jr — 

    Last week, I posted my initial take on the so-called "Gospel of Jesus' Wife." My first point was that it was "too early to tell" whether the manuscript was genuine. In the last twenty years, forgers have produced some amazingly convincing forgeries, so scholars have become cautious about all archeological finds.

  • Biola News

    Biola Outperforms Nationwide Average for Hispanic Graduation Rates

    Listed as one of 25 private universities closing the graduation rate gap

    Brenda Velasco — 

    According to reports released today by The Education Trust, college graduation rates nationwide are far too low, particularly among students of...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Gary Manning Jr — 

    According to an article in the Washington Post, an ancient manuscript claiming that Jesus had a wife has just been discovered. I’ll tackle this new discovery with some Q&A. What is this new find? Karen King, the Gnostic scholar who published the manuscript, has titled it the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife (see the scholarly article here). It is a very small fragment, only 12 partial lines, of an ancient Gnostic book. The fragment, written in Coptic, dates from the fourth century, but it is a copy of an older book, perhaps written in the late second century. According to the fragment, Jesus refers to “my wife.”

  • Biola News

    Athletics Hall of Fame Banquet Recap

    Biola Athletics celebrated its inaugural Hall of Fame Class with an induction ceremony.

    Hilary Larkins — 

    On Saturday, September 15, 2012,Biola Athletics celebrated its inaugural Hall of Fame Class with an induction ceremonyin the Talbot East Andrews...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Kenneth Way — 

    Where is one place that you can go in Jerusalem to see possible remains of King David’s palace, Nehemiah’s wall, Hezekiah’s tunnel, the Pool of Siloam and royal tombs? That would be the City of David, which is the name given to the small spur of land that extends southward from the Temple Mount. I want to share with you five highlights from this small area.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Octavio Esqueda — 

    “El que espera, desespera” dice un refrán popular. Esperar algo no es satisfactorio para nadie y en ocasiones las salas de espera en oficinas y consultorios se convierten en salas de tortura para muchos que, como yo, son impacientes y perciben el tiempo de espera como un tiempo perdido. Esta creencia común puede percibir a la esperanza como algo negativo y algo no muy deseado.