Faith for Exiles

Faith for Exiles, by David Kinnaman (’96, Biola trustee) and Mark Matlock (’91), Baker Books, September 2019. It’s easy to get discouraged by all that’s going wrong when it comes to Christianity and the emerging generation. Yet what’s going right? Faith for Exiles unveils major new Barna research that uncovers what’s working — five practices that contribute to resilience. Enter the world of resilient young adult Christians and learn how they are sustaining faith.
House of Souls

House of Souls, by Richard Thor Collins (M.A. ’04), Kregel Publications, October 2019. For fans of C.S. Lewis, this novel tells the story of two strangers who wake up in different bodies. Led by two guides, they embark on a journey through the deepest questions of life, discovering insight, healing and restoration along the way.
Distinguishing the Church

Distinguishing the Church, edited by Greg Peters (professor, Torrey Honors Institute) and Matt Jenson (associate professor, Torrey Honors Institute), Wipf and Stock, June 2019. As the Protestant Reformers did, so 21st century Christians also recognize the need to distinguish between the true and false church. This collection of essays reflects on the Reformational marks of the church in order to help reform Christ’s bride.
Fighting to Preserve a Nation's Soul: America's Ecumenical War on Poverty

Fighting to Preserve a Nation’s Soul: America’s Ecumenical War on Poverty, by Robert Bauman (’86), University of Georgia Press, April 2019. Bauman examines the efforts by churches, synagogues and ecumenical religious organizations to join and fight the “War on Poverty” as begun in 1964. The book also explores the evolving role of religion in relation to the power balance between church and state and how this dynamic resonates in today’s political situation.
Freedom Under the Word: Karl Barth's Theological Exegesis

Freedom Under the Word: Karl Barth’s Theological Exegesis, co-edited by Ben Rhodes (’05), Baker Academic, May 2019. Top-tier scholars offer critical engagements with Karl Barth’s exegesis of Christian Scripture and explore its implications for contemporary hermeneutics and biblical interpretation.
Make the Most of It: A Guide to Loving Your College Years

Make the Most of It: A Guide to Loving Your College Years, by Barry H. Corey (president), Tyndale House, March 2020. This guide to making the college years count touches on everything from college romances to making friends, from getting sleep to embracing boredom, from your inner life to your social life. Corey serves up tips for survival, virtues to embrace, ideas to think about and habits to cultivate for an enjoyable and flourishing journey through college.