Life can be rough for a vehicle-deprived student.
If you were among the carless crowd in college, you may remember the drill: walking to the grocery store; begging for a ride to the mall; pooling gas money to convince a dormmate to chauffeur a beach day; worrying about getting stranded on campus on a Saturday night.
Well, now those days of begging and worrying are done (or less common, at least). Thanks to two new services, it’s become a whole lot easier for Biolans without cars to get where they want to go.
For longer drives, WeCar (a service of Enterprise Rent-a-Car) is the way to go. For $8 an hour or up to $64 a day, students can hop into either a Toyota Prius or Ford Focus and go anywhere in Southern California (or beyond). After signing up for a yearly member- ship, renting a car is as simple as (1) making an online reservation, (2) heading to the reserved WeCar park- ing spaces near the Biola Bookstore, (3) using a sensor-activating mem- bership card to unlock the car and (4) grabbing the keys out of the glove box. (Learn more at wecar.com.)
The Biola Shuttle
Sleek and spacious, the new Biola Shuttle is a convenient way to get around town (and advertise Biola to other cars on the road). With the simple wave of a current Biola ID card, students can board at Horton Hall and ride to such prescheduled stops as local movie theaters, shop- ping centers, the Brea mall and Birch Street. The shuttle runs Thursdays through Sundays, from afternoon to late at night. And best of all, it’s free! (Check it out at www.biola.edu/shuttle.)