I have had so many different conversations with people about why I chose the major I did. First, I’d like to clarify that for a very long time I knew that I wanted to personalize my college experience. By this I meant that I had an idea of the style of classes I wanted to take, the subject matter, and how it overall was going to help me succeed in my career. My future career path was definitely on top of my priority list when picking both my college and my major.

So why did I pick Communication Studies? I heard fantastic things about the program, the professors, and the events that take place within the major.


Let’s take another step back real quick. I just want to remind you all to do the research about the major that you’re interested in. It helped me immensely in making my ultimate decision. So no matter what school you go to and what you choose to study, please make sure that you are dedicating time to research the various programs that you are interested in. Additionally, and this is more of my personal philosophy, do what you are passionate about. I was about to head into college to do a career purely for the sake of money: I wasn't passionate about the work at all. I had to realize that if money or other worldly things are the driving force behind my choice of career and major, then I will not put out the best work I could do. Anyway, back to Communication…

After I did my research and saw what the Communication Studies program offers, as well as the flexibility of career choices, I knew I had found the right major. The classes I take within my major align with all the things I had hoped to learn in college. It is a surprising and rewarding bonus that my professors are now my heroes and that I wholeheartedly admire them. I’ve always been interested in discussing hard topics and how we can tackle difficult issues in life. Also, not to brag, but since Communication Studies is such a broad major it can be utilized in a variety of different workplaces. For example, I hope to work one day within the film industry and I believe that what I have been studying and accomplishing in my major can easily apply to the work I hope to achieve. Film is communication, after all.

Lastly, I just want to close out this post with encouragement. I can talk about Communication Studies all day and how great and important the major is. However, it isn’t for everyone—as God designed us all differently. So find out what makes you tick and what area you feel that your gifts and passions can be best utilized to serve God’s will. For me, I believe that is held within Communication Studies. Be passionate about what you do and do it to the best of your abilities. We only get college once (don’t be technical I know you can do grad school and other things but you get the point). Make sure your field of study pushes you to grow as a person, a Christian, and as an intellectual. Don’t be afraid to ask me more about my major if you can, I’d love to talk if you have questions!