Phone(562) 903-4898
LocationFacilities Services (Building 3)

What We Do

This department administers key and locksmith services for the Biola campus.

Open Hours

Regular Hours
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Summer Hours
Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

Offices are closed on observed holidays.

Services We Offer

Key Requests

Faculty and staff members may be issued keys to Biola University facilities, based upon need of access.

Facilities Management will not issue keys directly to students. Departments may choose to loan departmental keys to students for temporary use. In this case, the department is responsible for the distribution and return of the key.

Non-university personnel (i.e., vendors, contractors) shall not be issued keys on a permanent basis. However, temporary usage keys may be requested and issued through Facilities Management.

To request a new or an additional key, please complete and submit a Key Request Form (.pdf).

(Request forms should have all required signatures before they are submitted to Facilities Management)

Missing Keys

Lost or stolen keys must be reported to Facilities Management. A decision to rekey will be made, by the Chief of Campus Safety and the Senior Director of Facilities Management, based on the details surrounding the loss.

To notify Facilities Management of a missing key please complete and submit a Missing Key Report (.pdf).

Transferring of Keys

Upon an individual's termination of employment at Biola University, Facilities Management will contact the employee or his/her supervisor to arrange the return of keys to Facilities Management. Facilities Management will reissue keys to a new employee, upon request.

Additional information and University policies and procedures regarding keys and building access can be found in the Employee Handbook - Section 6.33.

Department Contacts

Galen SamoLocksmith(562)
Biola University
13800 Biola Ave. La Mirada, CA 90639
© Biola University, Inc. All Rights Reserved.