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Monday With:

Timothy Muehlhoff, Noreen Muehlhoff

    • Monday, April 13, 2020
    • 9:30–10:20 a.m. Pacific
  • Location pending
  • Hosted By: Spiritual Development
  • Open to: Alumni, Faculty, General Public, Parents, Staff, Students

Cost and Admission

This event is free to attend.

We look to the Scriptures to see how God is always present with us through his Spirit, calls us to be present with Him through his Son, and invites us to be in community with each other.


Timothy Muehlhoff

Tim Muehlhoff (Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) is a professor of communication studies at Biola University in La Mirada, California where he teaches classes in family communication, interpersonal communication and gender. Dr. Muehlhoff's main interests lie in the study of interpersonal communication as applied to marital relationships, family dynamics, civil dialogue, social justice, and apologetics. He has authored several books on those topics including his newest, Winsome Persuasion - Christian Influence in a Post-Christian World, which received the 2018 Merit Award in Evangelism and Apolgetics from Christianity Today. 

He and his wife, Noreen, have three sons and are frequent speakers at FamilyLife Marriage Conferences.

Noreen Muehlhoff

Noreen, a native of Connecticut, comes to Biola via Ohio, Lithuania and North Carolina. She and Tim, her husband of 25+ years, are the proud parents of three sons and currently live in Brea, California. 

She was on staff with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) for 30 years ministering to college students in the U.S. and overseas. She and her husband speak nationally with FamilyLife at weekend marriage conferences as well as at marriage and relationship retreats and seminars. Together with two other couples, they teach an undergraduate interdisciplinary class on Christian Relationships and Marriage.

Thought-provoking movies, dark chocolate and the beach top her list of favorite things, especially when shared with family and good friends.


(562) 903-4874

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